Monday, 13 January 2025

(G576 07/12/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AP) YI33

(G576 07/12/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AP) YI33

[Fenrir, Reinward and Irritator have been given the task of destroying the port of Dulok on Fashib by Princess Senel. Instead of doing that though, they have slain a random red dragon instead.]

DAY 661 (23rd Nightal)(December) cont ...

The dragon slain and the caves cleared of enemies, Reinward and Fenrir exited the dragon's lair.

Irritator was still there, although he said he had been considering teleporting back to Yag Island to get help.

As they stood looking down on the lights of the port and wondering  what to do next the mysterious "dragon maiden" approached them from the jungle.

She introduced herself as Lady Langit Biru and she told them she was very grateful for being rescued from Moveld Cerdict, the red dragon.

She told them; 'He is a cunning old dragon and will have ways of resurrecting himself. I will go now and thwart those plans.'

Reinward, ever the contrarian, said that they could help him do that and he would be thankful to them for it. She told him in  return that he did not understand dragons.

They talked to her for a while and the following information was learned:

- She had been held captive for 50 years.
- The dragon had used the stone circle to gain power from her
- The town below, that they had to destroy had a population of about 5000. This she had learned from the tren servants.
- It was about half tren, and half a mix of lizardfolk, gnomes  humans, ogres, tabaxi and dark elves
- there was about 100 slaves and prisoners
- there is no central authority
- There are five big pirate crews working out of the port and they often fight amongst themselves.

She went on:
"This is an evil place. It stinks of troglodyte, and is full of refuse and dead bodies. The Tren themselves are escaped Yuan-Ti vassals that the  dragon scooped up and made into his own minions. The port became infested with pirates though and he couldn't be bothered with them any longer so he took the most intelligent of them and other than demanding regular tribute he  left them alone."

It was past midnight now so after the Lady had gone to make sure Cerdict stayed dead, the went back into the cave (which was now empty of wild boars) and unrolled their magic bedrolls and got some rest.

DAY 662 (24th Nightal)(December)

In the morning, in disguise, the three of them wandered down into Dulok and went and sat in the first tavern they found.

They sat and talked for a bit, but where unable to come up with a plan on how to destroy the place. The then wandered along a few filthy streets and found themselves at a place that had a name
that translates into common roughly as "the Temple of Extreme Unpleasantness".
As you might expect it was decorated with skulls and dead bodies were strung up in crow cages and the like.

The entrance to the temple was guarded by tough looking tren dressed in feathers and painted in blood and soot.
Fenrir went to talk to them, but was told to push off. He seemed puzzled that a seven foot tall monstrously evil lizardman dressed in bones and covered in blood didn't treat him in a friendly manner.
He tried again and the guard told him again to sling his hook. Fenrir then hurled insults at the guards and they attacked.

In the ensuing fight he killed about ten of them, and then in his anger he unleashed on the crowds in the square as Reinward watched on in dismay.

Fenrir killed about 80 people with Eldritch Cones and then another ten temple guards who had come from inside to fight him.

This was not how I would have approached it (i.e. I prefer to not use the "plan, what plan?" approach!) but it was definitely a start. 100 dead, just 4900 left to go sort of thing.

Reinward was wary though. 'Not this way, Fenrir, we need to do better than this.' So Fenrir teleported them back out of town.

'We need something smart,' chided Reinward. 'Like we could flood the town with lava from a volcano, or goad a kraken into attacking the place.'

There were no volcanoes though, and they had no idea on how to unleash a kraken. So in the end they changed their disguises and walked back in to town.

However, the bridge that led over the river was guarded by "Snake Head" tren mercenaries now, and they were pretty tough. They were also armed with Chaos Arrows, that they mixed in with their regular arrows.

The normal arrows could not harm Reinward and Fenrir and Irritator kept well back and used only magic missiles from a safe distance.

The chaos arrows did, among other things, turn Fenrir into a rabbit, but this didn't stop him casting Eldritch cones and blasts. Reinward shrouded himself in darkness and killed
many of them off one dagger at a time. To hold off reinforcements Fenrir put up a wall of flame that set some of the houses on fire. The Snake Heads were either slain or routed into the jungle.

If they were planning to destroy the town by killing its inhabitants one at a time, by my estimation they had so far dealt with about 160 of its citizens.

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