(G573 16/11/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AP, AD) YI30
[All adventure parties are currently at the Barrow on Yag Island. I have recently had a baby daughter called Evi. Unlike Fenrir and Reinward this baby was conceived with a regular human woman - not some crazed witch or creature of nightmares!]
DAY 655 (17th Nightal)(December)
I don't know what I expected to happen after the birth of my child to be fair, but I wasn't expecting to feel so redundant. Sylvia has taken charge and basically shooed me out of my own home.
So, I wandered around the Barrow area and talked to the locals. Reinward was happy because he had just ordered himself a Wand of Greater Magic Weapon for the eye-watering price of 69,120gp.
Fenrir had also been increasing his already absurd amount of power by upgrading his Amulet of Natural Armour for the princely sum of 55,000 gp.
Fang bought herself a powerful Animated Shield.
All these purchases were made through Orimander in Sasserine.
DAY 656 (18th Nightal)(December)
Fenrir and Giselle went curtain shopping today.
I was allowed to spend some time with the baby.
DAY 657 (19th Nightal)(December)
All the magical items that had been ordered were picked up today. Wanting to try them out I guess Fenrir and Reinward approached me for a teleport to Baldur's Gate.
What had been happening was this: Irritator had been talking to them about getting some help turning back into a Kobold. He was currently a Halfling. All he needed to do was track down a kobold called Ishi Snaggletooth who could get her hands on a magic egg that would do this.
Now, as luck would have it, Fenrir and Reinward had met Ishi, and had asked Veddic to try and skrye her. They had no luck with that. Next they went to Camp Brave and asked the kobolds there. Nothing. Finally someone helped them by telling them there was a lizardfolk bard in Tamunza called Sleyvasxa the Trickster. He was able to tell them that Ishi was in Baldur's Gate.
I've never been to Baldur's Gate in actual fact, but I could take them to Riatavin and then on to Corm Orp. There I left them and returned home.
Fenrir then teleported them to Candlekeep. They then paid a Svirfneblin wizard 1000gp to take them, at last, to Baldur's Gate.
It was now evening, so the four of them got some rooms in a fancy inn and asked about for Ishi. Not locals, but very knowledgeable of how cities worked, Fenrir and Reinward learned that she was likely in a small cul-de-sac known colloquially as Kobold Alley.
Meanwhile Fang had a nice bath in her room. Once she was done she met the others at the bar. This was a fancy place, full of rich merchants and minor nobles.
While getting a drink at the bar she caught the eye of a fellow who introduced himself as Lord Myev. He tried to talk to her, but she wasn't really having it and joined the others at their table.
Paranoid as ever, Reinward went to talk to the Lord. Unsubtle as ever also he whipped out a mirror and presented it. Lord Myev recoiled in horror. Reinward became convinced the other man was a vampire.
He went back to the table and consulted the others. They started coming up with a plan. Before committing an accidental murder Fenrir went to check, and ordered some garlic bread. He offered some to Myev who held up a hand and said "I am not a fan of garlic bread".
Fenrir and Myev, both from the aristocracy, eyed each other up. Reinward started getting his daggers ready under the table. This made a statue in the corner move its eyes towards him.
'I have suspicions you may have a vampiric tendency,' Fenrir said in that way he has when he's had a few drinks.
'You got me,' laughed Myev. 'I'm a vampire!'
'I'm not judging.'
'Don't worry, I just drained a virgin. I'm full.'
Fenrir continued to be pleasant. 'Live and let live I say.'
Fenrir then went on to talk so much nonsense that was pro-vampire that
he had half convinced Myev (who I should add at this point was NOT a vampire, just a windup merchant) that being a vampire was actually pretty good.
'I've never met one,' said Myev. 'But it sounds like fun.'
Fenrir felt he had proved his point. Maybe not the one had been trying to prove to start with, but that didn't matter.
Myev was left thinking that it was Fenrir that was the vampire, but that it was fine as he was such a witty and charming chap.
DAY 658 (20th Nightal)(December)
The gang met for breakfast and then went along to Kobold Alley. It was cul-de-sac, surrounded by sagging slum tenements. In the middle was a dirty old well.
As they looked around they heard a weak voice coming from the well. Fang lifted the grate and peered down. It was a narrow shaft and very filthy.
Still, Fenrir decided to float down and take a look. However he got just beyond the rim and some sort of anti-magic field hit. He managed to clutch at the side of the well and hauled himself back out.
'Anyone got any rope?' he asked.
As the others hunted through their bags for rope he called down;
'Are you all right?'
'Not really,' came the reply, 'I'm stuck down a well!'
In the end Fenrir had to go buy 50ft foot of silk rope for 10 gold.
When it was thrown down they had another problem;
'My fingers are too cold... i don't think i can...can someone please come and get me?'
Fang lowered Fenrir down on the rope and at the bottom of the well he found an old kobold lady called Tzenka. Fang then hauled them both out. Tzenka invited them to her house so she and Fenrir could get cleaned up.
Not long after that Ishi turned up and they asked her about the eggs that would help Irritator.
Ishi was happy to see them, but explained she had a dealer that brought them from an island south of Chult and that he was now dead! The island was known as Gifferzer Island and was inhabited by Ophidians who were ruled by a royal family of Spirit Naga. To complicate matters even further, anyone setting foot on the island turned into an ophidian! This effect was temporary though.
The magical eggs themselves would permanently change anyone eating them into an ophidian, but Irritator reckoned he had a spell that would modify the egg to turn the eater into a kobold.
Their was only one town on the island, known as Fashib, this was where the royal palace was, and this was where the eggs came from.
Ishi warned them about Spirit Naga Royal Family;
These are nasty creatures generally. They are thoroughly evil, but will hand over an egg in return for a favour of some kind.
You can deal with Princess Senel. She's horrible, but is on the level.
It looked like this job was going to be bigger than first thought!
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