Tuesday 27 June 2023

Karma Kingdom - Beta 1.0 b202


Karma Kingdom - Beta 1.0 b202


 Change Log:
- Tidy up of the GENERATE PAGE:
--- Singing Jungle now points to a new "Heart In" Click Campaign
--- NEW ITEM - Diamond Pendant - for a new "Heart In" Click Campaign
--- NEW ITEM - Game Ball - for a new "Heart In" Click Campaign
--- NEW ITEM - Educational Book - for a new "Heart In" Click Campaign
--- The Beta Rice website has gone now, presumably the current one is the correct one now. You can still get the item.
--- The Dog House campaign has ended. You can still get the item.
- FIXED BUG #131 - making wooden walls - got NaN in requirements!
- This website doesn't have a 'Free Click' anywhere - but it looks interesting: https://www.weforest.org/
- Added Spell Summon Mobile Fort (from random MTG card - 'Mobile Fort')
- FIXED BUG #127 - when lady della came to the kingdom I did not get my happyness point! And fortunes etc
- Bit by bit I am replacing older code (that takes values from the html) and replacing it with "tonky" code. 
Play the game here!

Wednesday 21 June 2023

(G526 27/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA117

 (G526 27/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA117

[Fenrir and Reinward have been tasked with staging a coup in the city of Westgate to stop the evil vampire lord the Night King from doing the same. Just recently they have been to the Morningstar Haven to recruit the church of Lathander to their cause.]

DAY 547 (1st Eleint)(September) cont ...

The left the house of Jenner Fields at about nine o'clock at night. The party in the streets was in full swing, but with magical disguises they made their way home and stayed there the rest of the night.

DAY 548 (2nd Eleint)(September)

In the morning at breakfast Gelly mentioned to them that Dauntinghorn had been seen late a night, enjoying the festival. This was likely the Night King himself, back in Westgate.

This got Fenrir to thinking about how to deal with Dauntinghorn - perhaps they could get his body and cast Reincarnate on it? Thereby turning him into a dwarf or gnome or something. I assume the thinking was that he could then not be a stand in for the Night King version. Either that or Fenrir was getting his  Dauntinghorns muddled up.

Today though, they wanted to speak to 'the wizards' and thought that going to speak to Gondeth of Gondeth's Mageries was as good a place as any to start.

He was friendly towards them because of all the money they had spent in his shop.
'Can we have a private chat?' asked Fenrir.
'Is this about the magical etchings,' said Gondeth. 'I can assure you, while they are rather risque they do not break any laws!'
'Not that,' said Fenrir. 'Well, stick a pin in that for now, no it is something else.'

In private then they discussed Gondeth's feelings about the current leadership of the city.
'I stay out of politics,' said Gondeth. 'It's bad for business otherwise. I have no strong views on it. I do know Urlyvl Athagdal to be a good man. Many people say he would have been a better Croamarkh than Trant.'
'But what if a new leader offered you a... tax break?'
'Haha! Don't do that on my account. What are you planning - a coup?' laughed Gondeth.
'Well,' said Fenrir. 'Treat this with the utmost discretion...'
He then went on to tell his by now familiar story about the Night King, his plot and the counter-plot against him involving bringing back the King of Westgate.
'Well, good luck with that!' said Gondeth.
'Will you help us?'
'I'm anti-vampire for sure, but like I said, I don't get involved in politics.'
'Can we hire you?'
'My days of that sort of thing are long gone. I'm a shopkeeper now. Try Mintassan
the Magnificent. He loves adventures and derring-do.'

Gondeth mentioned some other names, Fenrir and Reinward thanked him and left.

They went and had some lunch at home and talked about the noble houses. That would be next on their list of potential allies they decided.

They started by going to see Gwendeth Thavalar. House Thavalar was all in on the coup of course, and the planning of the small wedding was going well.

Fenrir asked about House Vhammos. 'Are they likely to come onto our side, or is it riddled with Vampires.'

(Rollo note: Darklady Dahlia Vhammos is one of the Night King's captains.)

Gwendeth didn't know much about vampires, but said,'they have always been aloof. As far as I know, they have no more trouble than anyone else with vampires. However, I heard that at one point they had dealings with the church of Shar.'

Fenrir and Reinward left House Thavalar and went to see if they could get  anywhere with House Malavhan. Initially Fenrir sought out his girl-friend Werren and she introduced him to Varen Malavhan.
He was high up in the family, second only to his elder sister Duchess Vera Malavhan.

After the usual formalities they got down to business.
'You can be the royal guards!' suggested Reinward.
'Ahem well, yes,' interrupted Fenrir. 'The main thing is that Palla the White is with us.
'Very well, if you provide us with 30,000 gold then you can count on the support of House Malavhan,' said Varen. 'You should know though, the hardest part will be  dealing with Urlyvl Athagdal. He is a good and honorable man and is well respected in Westgate. He is very democratic in his thinking and will not want to see a king back in the city.'

After all that skullduggery they went home. One of the guards told them that some "demon chickens" had been delivered, twelve in all.
'We put them in the shed,' said the guard.

Fenrir went to the shed and killed them all with a crowbar, then went back in for his dinner.

Later that night Judge Rona Nylo arrived at the door unannounced. He was a wise old half-elf, good in nature and with some knowledge of divine magic.

He asked to be let in and to be able to ask Fenrir some questions.

Nylo: Is there an investigation into the disappearance of Dreydal Trant?
Fenrir: Well, the Night King is starting to take control of the city and we are in danger of a feeding frenzy of vampires and Westgate becoming part of the Vampire nation along with the Blackrune Citadel.
Nylo: Surely then it is even more important to track down our ruler the Croamarkh?
Fenrir: I'll get people onto it.
Nylo: When did you last see him?
Fenrir mentioned the day he had talked to Trant and then bagged him.
Nylo: What did you speak about?
Fenrir: The Night King threat.
Nylo: What did he say?
Fenrir: He seemed strangely unconcerned.
(Not that this was a lie. Trant was going to sack him!)
Nylo: And then you left?
Fenrir said yes.

Judge Nylo changed his line of questions.
Nylo: You are a warlock, correct?
Fenrir: Yes.
Nylo: What sort of magical powers do you use?
Fenrir: Oh, the usual. Eldritch Blast, that sort of thing.
Nylo: You can be invisible?
Fenrir: Yes.
Nylo: And you can fly?
Fenrir: Yes.
Fenrir then went on for some time about how there were a great many warlocks around (which is true) and mentioned Barry Shitknees.
Nylo: Is Barry Shitknees a half-orc?
Fenrir said he didn't know.
Nylo: You see, an hour after you talked to the Croamarkh, according to the living statues and gargoyles that witnessed it, a half-orc warlock appeared, most likely cast Painful Slumber of
Ages on him then stuffed him in a bag and flew off.
Fenrir: Well that could have been a demon called Behemoth, or it could have been the Night King.
Nylo: Well yes, or it could have been you. You can see my difficulty? I would like to eliminate you as a suspect, so if there is anything you can do to help me with that, then please let me know.
Fenrir: You really think I would be so stupid to kidnap Trant an hour after I had just spoken to him?
Nylo: I merely follow the facts. I have several suspects.

After Judge Nylo had left Reinward said, 'maybe you should bribe him?'
'I'd rather keep him in the dark,' replied Fenrir.

Fenrir was getting the idea that it would take more than flim-flam to stop Judge Nylo from suspecting the truth - that it had been Fenrir that had kidnapped Dreydal Trant.

Monday 19 June 2023

(G525 20/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA116

(G525 20/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA116

[Fenrir and Reinward have been tasked with staging a coup in the city of Westgate to stop the evil vampire lord the Night King from doing the same. Just recently Fenrir gave all his captured enemies over to the Night Parade.]

DAY 546 (Shieldmeet)(August) cont ...

Back at home, in the evening Fenrir gave everyone that still worked at the house a 5gp bonus for putting up with all the recent events. Since that was 25 people, the total cost was 125 gold.

DAY 547 (1st Eleint)(September)

There was a big festival in Westgate today. It was an end of summer celebration local to the Dragoncoast area.

In the morning Fenrir woke up wondering what could be done "pseudo-legally" to bring the king back. He wasn't sure and thought he would have to speak to one of the judges.

He contented himself with hunting out Yntar Shieldblazon and asking a few questions.
'Do you bards all talk to each other?' he opened.
'Of course,' said Shieldblazon.
'Cool, cool. How much would it cost to start putting out the word, in songs and stuff about how awesome it would be to have a king again?'

Shieldblazon went as white as a sheet. He leaned in. 'Listen! I've a fair idea of what you are up to - and I don't want my head on a spike thank you very much!'
'What have you heard?' asked Fenrir.
'Enough to know that yours schemes may well not succeed!'
'How about for 20 gold?' asked Fenrir (who had recently been giving out bribes of 50,000 gold!) Shieldblazon stood up. 'Lovely seeing you again - byeeee!!'

Oh well, thought Fenrir. Don't I have a spy master or something, what was his name again? He went to the Watch Barracks to find him. He was looking for Reogeg Eysmile, who you may remember was not a spy master as such, but the leader of the Watch rogues ("The Fingers") and also in charge of 'internal affairs'. Fenrir had previously been warned by Dresdelle (his old boss) not to go anywhere near Eysmile.

Eysmile had an office in the barracks, but his secretary said he wasn't in today.
'Huh, well let him know I'm looking for him,' said Fenrir.

Later in the day Fenrir and Reinward went to the Temple of Lathander. This was the largest temple in Westgate and it seemed like a good idea to start getting the churches on side.

It is known as the "Morningstar Haven" and the current head cleric is Lady Sunrise Tylanna of  the Seventh Rose. The temple is also home to 24 other clerics of Lathander.

Lady Sunrise was very happy to be visited by the Crownbearer of Ilmater.
'To what do we owe this honour?' she asked.

They requested a meeting in private and Reinward said;
'We are here to discuss, I am here unofficially... erm... envoy... as the chosen one of Ilmater. I want a high level meeting to discuss a temporary alliance to combat the vampire threat to the city...'

'And the corruption inherent in a power structure that has been infiltrated by the undead,' added Fenrir.

'Well,' she said. 'The Church of Ilmater and Lathander are already allies. If there is  anything we can do to help the rebuilding of your Temple...'

'The biggest threat is the vampires...' Reinward went on to say.

'Yes, but we are...'

'Don't interrupt me!' cried Reinward most rudely.

Lady Sunrise gave Reinward a very dark look then said, 'I apologise, please continue.'

Reinward had already forgotten what he was saying and sat in silence.

'We do fight vampires,' said Lady Sunrise. 'We do everything in our power to fight evil in the city. What more do you suggest?'

'Ahhh... I think we should get a grand alliance of all the Temples together. Unite and fight!' declared Reinward.

'Yes,' she agreed. 'That sounds like a wonderful idea. If you are organising that, then you can rely on us.'

Reinward had been counting on someone else to do all the work for that though and said;
'But, you are the most powerful church in the city, surely...'

Perhaps Lady Sunrise had already had dealings with crack-pot prophets in the past and was used to dealing with them.
'Who better than the Crownbearer of Ilmater to guide us? To form the lynch-pin of a grand alliance?'

Reinward gave up. I'm not sure what he had been trying to achieve exactly, it was not a  bad idea, but would have required a great deal of diplomacy, a skill that he was lacking in. In addition there was precious little time left for such an ambitious scheme. They needed to get straight to the point and start signing more people up for the coup, which was possibly what Fenrir realised when he stepped in to the negotiations.

'Can I rely on your discretion?' he asked.
'Yes of course...'

He went on to tell her, in broad strokes, the threat to the city from the Night Masks and the Night King. She was aware of the Night King and his dangers.

Fenrir mentioned Sharkchum and the Eldreth Veluuthra. She didn't know about them. She didn't know how Reinward had got the crown either and Fenrir thought about telling her but stopped when Reinward made a throat cutting gesture.

'What do you think about kings?' blurted out Reinward.
'I, well, it depends on the king I suppose,' she replied.
At this point Reinward became a little tongue-tied, talking about prophecies and kings.
Fenrir stepped in. 'You, ah, must excuse the Chosen One, sometimes the pure goodness of Ilmater can be a little overwhelming. I think what he is trying to say is that, based on his divine sources that an "event" will happen soon in the city and we want to be sure that you are an ally when that time comes. Things have gotten out of hand in Westgate. *sigh* I have tried to bring back honour, to bring back integrity, but alas it is a losing battle. Unless... the prophesied event comes to happen. And in  that situation we would want your church and followers to be on the side of Ilmater and his representative, the Chosen One.'

(Rollo notes here: Honour and Integrity is a bit rich coming from Fenrir, unless he counts kidnapping people, putting them in barrels and then selling them to creatures of nightmare! And also I should say, only Fenrir and Reinward refer to Reinward as the Chosen One, his official title was the Crownbearer. I admit there is a reference to the "chosen one" in the prophecy and some fanatical followers refer to him as thus, but as I say, it was not "official" although I can see why they would try and use it, it has a more powerful ring to it after all.)

'What is this prophesied event?' asked Lady Sunrise.

'From what we can interpret, its the corruption in the city being ended by the return of divine royalty to Westgate.'

Lady Sunrise appeared to be baffled, or at a loss as to how to respond to such a bold statement.

'To put it plainly my lady,' said Fenrir. 'Vampires are planning to usurp the council, and install the Night King as king of Westgate. We want to prevent that by installing our own good and very heavily prophesied king.'

Fenrir is a supremely charming fellow and he turned it all in Lady Sunrise's direction now. They talked for much longer and a deal was thrashed out.

She would support the coup in return for:

1. Reversing the outlawing of the worship of Kelemvor.
2. Ban the worship of Cyric and Shar.

'Can you bring in more support?' asked Reinward.
She agreed to bring in 50 paladins and "some clerics" from Cormyr and be prepared to fight in their cause for a donation to the Lathander of 100,000 gold. They could be sent for now and arrive in a matter of days with that level of funding behind them.

Lady Sunrise was becoming animated and anxious. 'Can this be real?' she mused. 'Am I really plotting against the city? Should I not pause and consider all the things that may go wrong?'

Fenrir smoothed things over, calming raw nerves. 'Time is of the essence my lady! The sooner we strike, the greater the chance of success!'

'Yes,' she agreed. 'If it's any help, may I suggest you put together a list of other people that are worth bribing... I mean making donations to?'

'Excellent suggestion,' nodded Fenrir. 'And also perhaps you could aim your sermons in the direction of kings and that sort of thing? Paint them in a good light.'

Other things were discussed and here Reinward proved useful, in his usual scatter-shot way, asking more questions about the city mages and the city treasury. (The city treasury was underneath the Merchant Tower.)

Once they were finished at the Morningstar Haven they returned to the Watch Barracks but found that Eysmile was still not there. The streets were bustling with the Summer Festival, with crowds of people dancing and drinking. The market and the docks were the most busy, with crowds heading into that area from all over the city.

They didn't want to join the celebration though, thinking it would be too dangerous to be out at night, what with all the vampires out to get them.

Later in the evening though, they went and paid an unannounced visit to the house of Jenner Fields, a female half-orc and also considered to be the cleverest, wisest and most objective judge in Westgate.

While Reinward got stuck into her dry sherry, Fenrir asked about the 'vampire laws'  that were being introduced and how to change the laws to allow worship of Kelemvor and the outlawing of Cyric and Shar.

Normally laws like that took a year or two to filter through the courts, but it could be sped up by greasing the wheels. 2000 gold would have the laws pushed to the front of the queue and passed within days.
'I can make that happen,' she said with a knowing look on her pale green face.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

(G524 14/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), HF, OL, SH, PT, FF, DL) K4

 (G524 14/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), HF, OL, SH, PT, FF, DL) K4

[This is the forth part of the story I heard from my brother Corum about an unlikely band of adventurers known as the 'The Habibi Club'. They were: Ewiz the Great a human wizard, Sir Buttskii a gnomish bard, Tate a halfling rogue, Kayne a human sorcerer, Goobus a rather fat human bard, Gilbert a human monk and Walter the White a half-elf druid. They have now arrived in Ottery Saint Mary.]

DAY 3 cont ...

Late at night, in the dark and after much tribulations they arrived at Ottery Saint Mary. They were expected and let in through the sturdy wooden gates.

Ewiz met them there and they continued through the village and along the road to the Kryptgarden Estate and my father's castle.

Sir Humber was in good spirits and ushered them all in and made sure they had plenty to eat and drink in the main hall. I should imagine they were initially impressed by the castle, but seeing it by candlelight is to hide a lot of problems. Years of neglect mean that the place is practically falling down and most of the rooms are home only to rats. When I was young it was not so bad, but now that me and my brothers have left my father keeps to his rooms and everywhere else is locked up. There are guards and servants of course, but they are poorly paid and almost as old and idle as my father.

Sir Humber told them why they were there;
'There is this dreadful fellow running around the place at the moment. His name is Zallater and he is a half-fiend Durzagon, a sort of tiefling dwarf you could say. He's a mason of sorts and built a dungeon and secret tunnel for that awful fellow Yardpike some time ago. That's all by the by now though and resolved as far as I know, but Zallater just won't go away. He caused all sorts of trouble in OSM, ran up a huge tab at the Tavern which he never paid, startled the cattle and poked the mayor in the eye. Now he's left the village, but not far north of here he is building a dungeon in the forest and filling it full of monsters. That's the last thing we need around here! Time for him to be moved on I think!'

They were all shown to their dusty old rooms. Tate and Ewiz were far too excited for bed though and decided to go and do some night time fishing. With no idea of how dangerous it is at night around the estate they armed themselves with a crossbow and spear and set off into the darkness.

A sensible guard followed them with a lantern. If he had not done that you can be sure that they would never have been heard of again! Sir Buttskii followed with the guard, but when they were down at the river the guard left them too it. Buttskii was too nervous to stay and went back too.

The attempt at fishing was about as successful as you might expect. All they managed to do was wake the fish up and scare them away. After some time they decided to leave. Tate, a lover of tree climbing, stopped and decided to go up one in the dark for... some reason...

Ewiz stood at the bottom of the tree, completely in the dark. He did not have the  night vision of Tate, a halfling, so after ten minutes he lit a candle. He listened but could hear nothing, it was like Tate had disappeared.

Not knowing what else to do, he walked back to the castle alone.


As everyone else was tucking in to a big breakfast Tate appeared at the door, covered in dirt and cobwebs. A giant spider had got him in the tree and paralysed him. It hadn't been until much later he had managed to escape and crawl back to the castle. In the process he had lost some gold coins.

Once they were all fed and watered anyway, they walked back down to OSM to get some supplies.
There is not a formal shop as such in the village but the Badger's Breakfast Inn did trade in common items.

Ewiz and his team seemed mainly interested in buying crowbars though.

Back at the castle once they were ready to set off it was revealed that Goobus would not be going with them. He had a 'special mission' of his own to carry out.

Zallater's Tower was about ten miles north, deep into the forest. If they had not had a druid in their party they would have got lost. As it was, it took six hours to get to their destination.

They came on it abruptly, there was no opportunity for spying out the place first. The Tower seemed to be under repair - or being built - it was hardly a tower in fact, as it was only the first two floors with scaffolding being put up for the third.

On the right was a large tent or pavilion and on the left was some sort of crypt with gargoyles on the roof.

Walter tried to keep things calm, but it was impossible. Ewiz and Tate went charging off towards the crypt and started throwing crowbars at the gargoyles. Ewiz managed to hit one.
'What was that for?' said the gargoyle and threw it back.

Walter noticed that Zallater had stepped out of the pavilion to see what was going on.

Kayne waved his arms around in a threatening manner and somehow managed to intimidate the gargoyle into backing down. 'They started it!' it grumbled.

Even though there was no need for the fight to continue, Ewiz threw another crowbar. It missed and landed on the roof.

Full of high spirits, Gilbert decided to join in and tried to throw Sir Buttski up onto the roof. Light as he was, the gnome missed the roof and hit the wall. He tumbled to safety and was unharmed.

Walter tried to explain that he really didn't know why his friends were fighting the gargoyles, since they were not threatening. Zallater shrugged. 'They shouldn't really go near that crypt. It's very dangerous.'

Ewiz had run out of crowbars by now and finally tried some magic. He cast Magic Missile and it hit and hurt the foremost gargoyle. Angered it flow down, landed on Ewiz and clawed him into a bloody mess.

Sir Buttski ran over and checked on the silly wizard. Ewiz was alive, but bleeding out. The useful little gnome bandaged him up, probably saving his life.

Zallater waved away the gargoyles and they all flew off north into the forest.
It looked like things had finally settled down, but Tate was determined to keep the chaos going.
He went to the crypt door and found that it was locked. He took out his Thieves Tools and stated picking the lock.
Walter was frustrated, they were meant to be a team and everyone was doing their own thing.

'I wouldn't open that door if I were you!' Zallater called over. 'It took long enough for us to just get "it" in there!'

Tate wasn't listening. He had opened the door and was determined to see what was on the other side...

Monday 12 June 2023

(G523 06/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT) YI4

(G523 06/05/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT) YI4

[Griffolk Ethyn the Dragon-Shaman, Corhim Sparkledingle the Gnome Wizard and Fangorino the Barbarian have arrived on Yag Island and soon became friends with my family and other friends that were there setting up defences by the Barrow. In addition, a being that looks and acts like Fenrir has arrived. In reality it is a simulacrum created by the Vicar of Ghaunadaur. Currently they are in Sasserine and Sparkledingle has time to kill. He has just been to the Witchwardens' Tower and carried out some 'testing' for a wizard called Irel Brokenleaf.]

DAY 585 (8th Marpenoth) (October)

It appeared that the task they had with the retreival of stolen goods from the Lotus Dragons was on hold for the time being. Rather than letting them drink the wine cellar dry, Liris the Factor found them a quest to do outside of town. Guard duty basically, and it sounded boring to Corhim so instead her went back into Sasserine and it was not long before he found his way to the magical shop known as Glittermane’s Vault.

I've met Glittermane, although not lately, and I remember he was a middle-aged Calishite fellow with frizzy grey hair and hazel eyes. He is still, I should imagine, a powerful wizard that does good business trading in magical items.

Corhim was in there anyway, looking whistfully at a Ring of Research that he could not afford. Glittermane came to talk to him, and they also looked at a Ring of Sustenance.

'Well,' said Glittermane. 'Since you are new in town you might be able to do me a favour. I do a good business in Healing Potions, but one of my rivals appears to be selling new ones for 100 gold cheaper than normal. If I were to give you 200 gold then, you could go and get one. I've heard though, she doesn't have them on display so you would have to sneak into the house at the back or trick your way back there.'

Corhim agreed.

'My rival's name is Orimander and can be found at Orimander’s Emporium of the Soul. It used to just do magic books, spells books, that sort of thing, but if she's branching out into potions then that could cause me serious problems. Good luck!'

Orimander's shop was not hard to find and Corhim saw that she was a gnome much like himself! He talked to her, but became somewhat tongue-tied and somehow persuaded himself to buy a book on Brewing Potions for 50 gold (from the 200 gold given to him by Glittermane!)

He told her about his cousin Felia and her magical shop and tried to turn the conversation towards Healing Potions. He was tongue-tied again and beat about the bush so much that Orimander couldn't really understand what he was talking about.
'We sell Cure Moderate Wounds Potions for 300, is that what you need?' she asked.
Corhim babbled:
'No, well, yes, I mean. My cousin can sell them for 200 you know! Don't you... I mean, if you think that... well, well. 300? I heard 200? No, I mean! My cousin, you know, the one  with the shop well, she has a supplier... I mean, she could be your supplier, if you want them cheaper than that... I mean...'

Orimander appeared to be baffled, but she gave a friendly smile and nodded. 'Do you have a sample?'

Corhim was as bad at negotiating as he was at telling fibs. 'Well, you know, she is very well set up in her shop. I could get some samples and bring them back perhaps?'

'Sure!' said Orimander with a grin.

I appears to me that Corhim had forgotten that his mission was to buy a cheap potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - not to sell them!

'Yes of course!' waffled Corhim. 'My cousin, you know, Felia, she has heard of some cheap potions coming in, and she wants...'

His fibs just fell flat on their face as he tailed off, not knowing what to say. Orimander giggled. He could tell she wasn't buying it, but she may have been thinking that his silly stories were gnomish flirting rather than an attempt at retail espionage.

His face red with blushes, Corhim left the shop. He came back an hour later.
He then walked up to her and started another nonsensical story.
'What on earth are you on about?' she laughed.
'I've only got 200gp and I need a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds,' he answered glumly.
He handed back the Brewing book, 'I don't want this now.'

'Down on your luck eh?' she asked.
His dim knowledge of wizardly gnomish flirtation began to come to life. Perhaps he would have more luck down that path? He fluttered his eyelashes at her.
'Oh, you are awful!' she squeaked and gave him a shove. 'If I give you a Cure Moderate Wounds will you leave me alone?'
Corhim sighed internally. He knew he needed one of the special ones for Glittermane though, not a regular one given out of pity!

With nothing else that he could try (that he could think of anyway) he came clean and told her all about Glittermane's request.

'Oh well,' she said. 'It's like that is it?'
She went into the back room and then came out with a green potion.
'This is what he wants, so you'd better give it to him!'

Corhim wasn't sure, but he took the potion back to Glittermane’s Vault and handed it over. Glittermane wasn't sure either, so he gave it a sniff. He called over someone else who appeared to work there, a man called Jayme Peton, apparently a 'Potion Expert.'
He looked it over, tested a sample then said,
'Don't drink that, it'll make your eyes go wonky.'

Corhim sighed and left the Vault. He stood outside in the street gazing into the distance.
He did this for some time.

He walked back to Orimander's and as he entered the shop for the third time she asked;
'Did he drink it?'

Corhim knew she was flirting with him now. Pranks were the way that gnomes let other gnomes know that they are interested. He went to check out the Magic Ink, but he couldn't afford it.
'You really are down on your luck!' she giggled. 'How about I buy you lunch then? We can't have you going hungry!'
He nodded and followed her to her favourite eating place, like a grateful puppy.

Sunday 11 June 2023

One guy has his lunch (FINAL)



One guy has his lunch


(Written in 2013. Tidied up for publication 2022. Post LTW comments.)

I have a theory about where Mickey sits and its relation to how his workday is going. Each day he goes outside and sits down at one of four picnic benches. I get a clear view of him from my first-floor window, down across the car park.

Come rain or shine he always sits there for lunch, but anyway, this is the theory:

If he is having a bad day, he sits with his back to the building, facing a concrete wall. If he is having a better day, he sits side-on and looks up the hill to the wild land, the trees beyond and the sky. I’ve never seen him in a good enough mood to actually sit facing the office. I guess work never goes well enough for him to consider that an option.

He always waits for the tables to be quiet as well, everyone else has had their lunch and moved on by the time he gets there. He evidently prefers his own company.

Today he is sitting sideways, so he can’t have been annoyed by anyone recently. His job must be going ok. Perhaps one day he’ll just pick up his coat, abandon his sandwiches and take off into the woods?

It’s funny how some people find what we do here difficult. It isn’t, it’s just computers and stuff. I suppose some people’s brains work better with computers than others. I know mine seems to do ok and I never feel the urge to sit facing away from my place of work like a sulking Buddha.

He has a ponytail and a handlebar moustache. He would have done better as a roadie than a computer nerd. Sitting here on my lunch break watching him eat an apple in the drizzle, I want him to walk away from this life that apparently brings him misery. Go, Mickey, go! Go into the woods and never return. Or go and get a job as a bouncer or as the drummer in a heavy metal band. You’d be happier, if not richer.

Find a girl. Settle down. Or not. Just be. Just be anything other than what you are, which is a big man sat at a small desk, whittling hours off your life each day to pay your way through this existence.

Maybe I’m just projecting my own desires onto him. I feel happy in my life, comfortable at my desk. But am I worse off than him? Am I so institutionalised I don’t even know enough to rebel any longer? After all I sit and eat my lunch at my desk. At least Mickey has some spirit left in him, even if all it is, is a silent defiance. A silent protest that says, ‘I prefer to face a blank concrete wall than look at the office I work in for one moment longer than I have to.’

I imagine most of Mickey’s problem is he has too many bosses none of whom care enough to do him a favour and sack him. His Line Manager is busy with his own projects. His Group Manager is happy that he has someone on hand to do all the rubbish little jobs that everyone else is too busy to do. His Department Manager only has a vague idea who he is and the Managing Director, of course, has no idea at all.

You know, the more I think about it, they grind you down with apathy here. The company doesn’t hate you because the company doesn’t care enough to hate you. It is a big faceless entity that changes its head once every six months. It is a truism said many times here that if you don’t like your current manager then just wait and you’ll have another one in under a year. Some go up, some go down. Some go out and some come back. The company, the machine, rolls on.

And what’s worse, most of us meet apathy with apathy. We clock in, we work, we clock out. We trade some of our life for money. Perhaps Mickey, the free spirit, has had enough of this. Please, Mickey, if you get up and walk off into wood, I swear, I’ll pick up my coat and my keys and will be right behind you. There has to be more to life than this, a soulless cog in a mindless machine. Go, Mickey, lead and I will follow! Take us to the promised land, where men’s dreams can come true, where people can live, really live, and not just merely exist. Is this what our parents imagined for us? Is this all there is? Like a duck swimming against a strong stream, paddling furiously just to stay in the same place. A long path of boredom and toil leading to late retirement and an early death? It would take just one man to stand up and say, ‘I don’t want this.’ Be that man, Mickey. Stand up and a thousand others will stand up with you! Throw aside your name badge with the scorn it deserves! Rip up your door pass! Shrug off your printer card of contempt! Arise Sir Mickey and be a man of action, a man of consequence, nay - a man of destiny!

Or it may just be completely random where he sits. It’s just a theory.





Friday 9 June 2023

(G522 29/04/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA115

 (G522 29/04/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA115

[Fenrir and Reinward have been tasked with staging a coup in the city of Westgate to stop the evil vampire lord the Night King from doing the same. Just recently Cavu returned with some concerning news and an offer...]

DAY 545 (30th Eleasis) (August) cont ...

Fenrir and Reinward talked to Cavu, but they were confused. Neither of them knew how to plot a coup and their ideas were very random.

Reinward considered a plan that involved infiltrating the Vampire Keep and complaining about the Night King. Effectively asking to 'talk to the manager.'

Fenrir initially thought of just leaving Westgate. Cavu said it was up to him.
'But what do we do? If we stay, what are we meant to do?'
'Didn't Random draw you up a plan a while ago? Who to get on side, what factions to talk to and bribe, there was a list of things to do wasn't there?'

Fenrir knew of 'Random's New Plan' and he had been following it - mostly - and while he knew what (for instance) "2. Kill the Croamarch" and "5. Have support of mercs" meant and how to achieve an individual item, he had no idea of how to fit it all together into something that wouldn't just fall to bits as soon as the lever was pulled on the coup.

'It wouldn't be fun if it was easy!' commented Cavu to some rather stern looks.
'Sorry,' went on Cavu. 'I don't know what to tell you. You both know Westgate better than I do now. You are the Commander of the Watch and the Crownbearer of Ilmater. You have a King in Waiting armed with the "Piecemaker", you have Thistle Thavalar lined up for marriage, you have the Mercenaries on side... If anyone is best situated to bring back the King to Westgate  its you chaps. If you are going to go for it, then just go for it!'

Fenrir and Reinward eventually decided to give it a try. A large donation of 200,000 gold each definitely helped a little with the making up of their minds!

Cavu also gave 50,000 gold that was the second part of the payment to the Mercenary Guild.

After Cavu left the house (and presumably Westgate) Fenrir did the rounds again. First he went to see Gwendeth to check on the wedding plans, then to Palla the White to give her the rest of the money.

He got home about eight o'clock. Gelly came to speak to him. She said she thought there was a spy in the house and that it was likely one of the 'house rogues' called Carlos Del Mare.
She also said;

Whenever anyone goes out of the house, out of any door, they are tailed by Night Masks. I've a feeling that something big and invisible sometimes flies over the house at night, but that  could just be my paranoia!

Fenrir had already had a long day but he decided to drag Carlos out then and there.
'I've heard you've been spying on us!' he accused.
'No I've not! You can't prove nothing!' came the quick reply.

Gelly was called in and said, 'well explain why you go off to the pub and speak to unknowns?'
'So?' he asked.

Fenrir went full 'demon winged intimidation' mode and said, 'I'll ask this once only, who did you speak to and what organisation are you with?'

'Wot?' he cried. 'You hired me to keep my ear to the ground! I talk to people, even Night Masks to try and find out about incoming threats.'

After about half an hour of this sort of talk Fenrir had had enough and said;
'We'll pick this up later. Sleepy time!'

He cast Painful Slumber on Carlos and then stuff him inside a barrel. He gave fifty gold to Gelly.

DAY 546 (Shieldmeet)(August)

Veddic took the barrel away in the morning. Fenrir went to work.

He did a bit more on setting up bounties for Vampire Hunters. The Watch did offer bounties for wanted individuals, and occasionally for dangerous beasts, but they'd never offered a blanket bounty on something as nasty as vampires.

Still, 5000 gold was not a bad starting price and Fenrir also arranged that anyone bringing solid information about vampires was to be given 50 gold.
To get the big reward a vampire with a stake in its heart had to be provided.

He also set about making a new law that anyone 'harbouring a vampire' would have all their assets seized. This law, he decided, would be applied ruthlessly, with an idea to it providing the money to pay the bounties.

Bounty Hunters were to register with the Watch.

He went to talk to Jenner Fields, one of the Westgate Judges to start setting up all the legal aspects of this.

Fenrir also decided that a special squad of Watch "Vampire Inspectors" would be set up, starting with a cleric or two to get the ball rolling.

Fenrir then had information on Vampire habits and weaknesses copied up by scribes and given out to all Watchmen. He also arranged for three cart loads of garlic to be purchased so that it could be distributed around all the Watch houses and posts. Five hundred mirrors were also put on order. Every Watchman was to be given a whistle.

Reinward went to talk to the clerics at the Temple of Ilmater. He wanted to use them as "Vampire Verifiers", to check that any vampire remains that were offered for the bounty were not just dead people and actual undead.

After work they both went along to see the Night Parade. Fenrir wanted them to plant  dreams into the heads of the people of the council about how great it would be to have a King back in Westgate. They said they would see what they could do.

The "female" members of the Night Parade wanted to have sex with them, but the both declined. They then had a brain wave and decided to send over all the people they had sleeping in barrels. The Night Parade could then take them away and do whatever awful things they wanted with them.

By my calculation the prisoners they gave over were:

1. Blackthorn
2. Reaver Lord Dynarth Bloodcowl
3. Jorkronas Kyletchi Urdo (as a sloth)
4. Drydal Trant
5. Carlos Del Mare

Veddic would deliver them all at his earliest convenience.

When they got home they were met by Jasper who told them that 50 chickens had been delivered.
There was a note that read:

'I know who you are! And I know what you did! Enjoy the chickens!'

Fenrir thought it might have been from Shaymer. He told the servants to give the chickens to the poor.

Thursday 8 June 2023

(G521 22/04/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA114

 (G521 22/04/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, KT) WA114

[Fenrir and Reinward have been tasked with staging a coup in the city of Westgate to stop the evil vampire lord the Night King from doing the same. Just recently they have killed Dauntinghorn - again! This time by accident. Their house was also attacked by an Angel of Decay.]

DAY 542 (27th Eleasis) (August) cont ...

It was still early in the morning, but it seemed important to clean up the gunk left by the Angel of Decay. Ten buckets of the stuff was collected. Nobody got any sleep after that.

Reinward had been away at another vigil at the Temple of Ilmater and did not get back to the house until breakfast time.

'What happened here?' he asked.
'I'm about to go find out what it was,' said Fenrir.

They went to find Yntar Shieldblazon, a bard that they knew and Fenrir showed him a sample of the gloop.
'That comes from a horrible being called an Angel of Decay,' he told them. He then went on to give more details of the creature. Finally he warned, 'from what I hear, you can expect more attacks like this at your house. They will increase in size and deadliness.
You've really annoyed someone, that's for sure!' 

Fenrir thanked Shieldblazon for all the information and gave him fifty gold.

Meanwhile, Veddic was wondering if he could set up an altar in the house to help with defending it against undead. He did not get very far, I'm not sure why, but here is my research on the subject:

- Veddic is a Burning Brazier - these are the missionary / adventure types

- A temple of Kossuth is always led by an Eternal Flame of Kossuth. They treat everyone underneath them poorly

- The 'stay at home' clerics are called Tendrils.

- When out and about BBs use the spells at their disposal (e.g. Consecrate and Hallow) to create temporary prayer areas for converts

- Building shrines and temples is usually left to the Tendrils who come to an area later, after the BB has gained enough ground

- But a shrine could be built for 3 to 5 K. It requires Craft Wondrous Item to be built though!

- In theory it could be built by a non-Kossuth cleric or other caster type, but it would be better if it was...

- Not informing the Church would probably be a bad idea considering what rotten bastards they all are.

- Veddic was told though, to follow Fenrir, so that he could get an actual Temple to Kossuth built in Westgate.

- There is nothing stopping him from getting the ball rolling on that

After meeting the bard, Fenrir and Reinward went to talk to Gwendeth Thavalar again.
They had a chat, and discussed:
- Thistle Thavalar was aware of all the business with the vampires.
- She was not yet aware of the plan to marry her to Raz!
- She thought that Raz was nice, but (in the nicest way possible) an uncultured oaf (which was basically true by Westgate standards).
- She was likely still in love with Dauntinghorn.

'It's too late for love now though!' said Gwendeth. 'There is too much at stake, the girl will just
have to do as she's told!'

'What if we pretend to kidnap her and then we get Raz to come rescue her?' asked Reinward. Fenrir and Gwendeth turned and looked at him.
'Nevermind... sorry... forget I spoke!'
Reinward was on his eighth glass of sherry by now and fairly well cooked. I must say he often came up with some really good ideas while sozzled (this was not one of them), but he always expected someone like Fenrir to put his ideas into practise!

Fenrir sauntered into work in the afternoon. Reinward came too and had a nice nap on the couch in Fenrir's office.

DAY 543 (28th Eleasis) (August)

Fenrir's boots of Teleportation arrived today and he then ordered a Wand of Anti-Magic Ray for
the cheap cheap price of 34,125 gold pieces.

Reinward spent some of the day in the company of Gelly, talking about the Night Masks and how the human ones and the vampire ones got on, and where Sharkchum fit in to it all.
In summary she said;
'The living and the vampire Night Masks hate each other of course, but then they all hate each other. Every vampire in the Night Masks is trying to get one up on the others. They all hate the Westgate Watch above everything else though, even though they have much more to fear from the Mercenary Guild and the various House Guards. Sharkchum has been doing well for himself since his resurrection. I should imagine getting revenge on those that killed him features quite high on his agenda.'

DAY 544 (29th Eleasis) (August)

Today was the day of the Cake and Jam party at Ottery Saint Mary all the way back west near Waterdeep. Fenrir didn't want to miss that!

But despite having his new Teleportation boots he could not get their easily. He needed to stop over somewhere and since he didn't know anywhere between Waterdeep and Westgate he needed a wizard to do the first bit for him.
He found one easily enough who was willing to do it for 1000 gold, so he and Reinward arrived at the Gnesher Lodge house with plenty of time left to get ready for the party.

Fenrir was there to hang out with Giselle of course. She was glad to see him, but he sensed she had enough on her plate right now to be bothered rekindling her romance with an extremely unreliable boyfriend. He knew he could always charm her into doing anything but he didn't want to make her do things that she would later regret. (How noble of Fenrir!)

Reinward, on the other hand, was on the prowl. The party was a big event at OSM. There are only about 100 people that live there, but most people get involved in the Cake, the Jam and of course all the drinking and dancing that goes with it. Quite a few people came in from the surrounding area as well.

Reinward was a tall and handsome young man, he was affable and pleasant - until he got drunk - and then he was usually brash, insulting and frankly a danger to be around.

His criteria for tonight's partner was:
1. Big Breasts
2. Not a Headache
3. Same age range
4. Be up for it

He settled on a lady a bit older than him, she was in her thirties, she was fairly  flat chested and had a rather grating personality - but - she was well up for it!
It turned out that criteria 4 was the only one that mattered.

She was Yella Bladesman. She was new to the area and was one of the three constables in OSM. She had frizzy black hair, freckled skin and blue eyes. There was a scar across her nose from one of her battles.

Reinward spent the night with her and kept his crown on the whole time.

Fenrir and Giselle ended the evening at her door after he had walked her home. They talked about recent events and he gave her a summary of what had been happening in Westgate.
Giselle was a bard now, or starting out as one anyway, so all this gossip and news was just the sort of thing she liked.
The last thing he said was;
'After I've sorted it all out, I'd like to come back here again and perhaps we can get back together?'
'Perhaps...' she said. Then she winked and closed the door on him.

DAY 545 (30th Eleasis) (August)

Today Cavu turned up in Westgate. He had been causing chaos at the Vampire Keep but now it was getting too hot for him there. He told them;
'You have about 20 days before they get themselves back in order again and start  looking at Westgate once more.'

They showed him the broken Doomsday Clock. He said:
'The games up for you chaps I'm afraid. You've been busted. What you do after this is up to you. Before making your mind up though perhaps you should read this, it came from one of our spies in the Vampire Keep...'

Because Demonologist often end up dead, the Blackrune usually has a scribe hidden somewhere to take notes if the Demonologist doesn't survive the process.
We managed to get part of a transcript that will interest you.

Dreknerker the Despicable: *summons a demon*
Demon: Ech, you again, what now?
DD: Back, vile creature! I demand you answer my questions, foul fiend of the pit!
Demon: Yeah, yeah. Make it quick, I've got a lava bath to get back to.
DD: My lord must know more about a Warlock in Westgate called Raziel Lightningrod!
Demon: Like what?
DD: Err ... well where he came from and why he is going after the Night King all the time.
Demon: What could I know about that? There must be hundreds of Warlocks in Westgate alone.
DD: Well... err ... I command you to tell me everything!
Demon: Come on Drek old pal. You know it doesn't work like that. If he's on our books at all you need to talk to Crunklesplatsock, he knows about that sort of guff.
*Unknown Demon poofs*        
Dreknerker the Despicable: *summons Crunklesplatsock*
C: Oh for fu... What?
DD: Back, vile creature! I demand you answer my questions, foul fiend of the pit!
C: Charming.
DD: Err .. My lord must know more about a Warlock in Westgate!    
C: Sigh, fine. What level?
DD: Err .. not sure, he can fly and do eldritch cones, that's what I've been told. And that pain sleep one.
C: Well in Westgate that narrows it down to about fifty. It's not Raziel Lightningrod is it?
DD: Yes! Tell me all about him!
C: Like what?
DD: Where he came from and why he is going after the Night King all the time.
C: Yeah, I can answer that... I don't know and I don't know.
DD: I command you to tell me everything you know!
C: Yeah, yeah. All I know is some folk say he has a Sword Coast accent. He's from out west somewhere.
DD: Be more specific!
C: Sigh. Well, Waterdeep maybe? There was a big inquisition there not so long ago because of the Bloodwar and a lot of them left the city around then. Could be he's one of that lot.
DD: Name him!
C: Doesn't work like that chief, but if you want to know all the details, ask Bnurgstickslackskin. He's the demon in charge of Waterdeep.
DD: I shall summon him!
C: He'll not like it. I wouldn't mess him about if I were you.
DD: Silence hellspawn! I know what I'm doing!
C: Don't say I didn't warn you.

*Crunklesplatsock poofs*

Dreknerker the Despicable: *summons Bnurgstickslackskin*
(Bnurgstickslackskin is a Glabrezu and much bigger that the previous demons)

B: This better be good.
DD: Back, vile creature! I demand you answer my questions, foul fiend of the pit!
B: You dare to speak to me like this? You're claimed.
DD: I do not fear *GULP* your threats! Tell me everything you know about Raziel Lightningrod!
B: Oh good. About time one of you bloodsuckers got round to this. You can work out the rest if I tell you his real name is Fenrir Thunderstaff.
DD: Who's that?
B: A warlock from Waterdeep.
DD: And why does he seek to destroy the Night King?
B: Not my department. He was passed on to other demons when he left Waterdeep.
DD: And who are they?
B: Dunno, other demons. I'm not your fucking secretary.
DD: I demand an answer!
B: Nah, I'll tell you a secret though?
DD: What?
B: I actually resisted the Planar Binding spell, but came anyway just to see what you wanted. Now come here you little...
DD: Aieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Once they had digested that Cavu went on;
'Now that the Night King knows who you are, I'm afraid I have to cut ties with you. We can't afford to let him know who is behind this plot against him. You can either leave now - and we will continue the fight against him with some of our other resources, or you can stay and fight it out. It's up to you, but if you stay and try and see this through to the end I can give you 200,000 gold each to be spent in furthering that goal. Either way, you won't see me again after its all over so take your time to decide.'

'What about the crown?' asked Reinward.

'I'll leave that up to you, but if you decide to leave Westgate then I would prefer it if you gave it to one of the other potential crownbearers - Jane or Pastry.'

Fenrir and Reinward hit the drinks cabinet and then sat down to think over their options.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

(G520 15/04/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT) YI3

 (G520 15/04/2023 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT) YI3

[Griffolk Ethyn the Dragon-Shaman, Corhim Sparkledingle the Gnome Wizard and Fangorino the Barbarian have arrived on Yag Island and soon became friends with my family and other friends that were there setting up defences by the Barrow. In addition, a being that looks and acts like Fenrir has arrived. In reality it is a simulacrum created by the Vicar of Ghaunadaur. Just recently Corhim, Fangorino and "Fenrir" have arrived in Sasserine to help out at Vanderboren Manor.]

DAY 584 (7th Marpenoth) (October) cont ...

It seemed that there was no immediate hurry, so Fang and Fenrir went to explore the wine cellar. Sparkledingle went to look in the library where he found several books on Sasserine. The light-fingered little rascal would have probably stolen them, but for the fact one of the servants was keeping an eye on him.

After a while he grew bored of the library and it was not long before he left Vanderboren Manor to go  and look around Sasserine a little bit.

He asked around and eventually ended up at the Witchwarden's Tower. Sasserine is tricky to get around. You either have to walk for ages to find a bridge or just use a boat to go from shore to shore. The city is a mass if islands, docks and waterways.

The Tower was the home to Sasserine’s mage’s guild and he was welcomed in and offered food and drink. He wanted to 'join up' and was offered a form of basic membership for 20 gold.
For this he was given a silver medallion (that had a picture of a chimpanzee on it) and free access to the less secret libraries and facilities.

After a while Corhim found the main notice board. He read a note that said; "Test subjects required. Well paid and free healing offered. Enquire in Dungeon 3B, Irel Brokenleaf."

When he got there, he saw that Dungeon 3B looked like a rather large tavern common room that had strange looking portals spaced around the room.

Brokenleaf was a male half-elf wizard and for reasons that could only be guessed at he had prepared the room to summon monsters into when certain actions were performed. He stood at the back of the room where he was pouring himself a drink.
'What do I do?' asked Corhim.
'Whatever you like. This is an early test, I just want to know how people react when they come into here completely cold,' replied the half-elf between swigs of his beer.

Corhim shrugged and had a look around. He saw a lever on one of the pillars so reached up and pulled it. A small demon materialised in one of the portals and ran to attack him!

Corhim tried a Colour Spray spell. The demon seemed more shiny. After a few more spells he then deduced that spell effects were being reversed on this creature. He cast Haste on it, which made it flop onto the floor. The demon seemed to have been dealt with so Corhim cast Magic Weapon on his crossbow and then went to pull another lever.

A Flaming Sphere appeared in one of the portals. Thinking quickly, Corhim ran over to the bar and picked up a jug of beer. He then threw it over the Sphere, which extinguished it.

Brokenleaf seemed sad at the loss of beer though so Corhim went over to a large barrel to refill the jug. When he turned the spigot though, a Swarm of Insects rushed out of it. He ran back a bit and cast Glitterdust. This seemed to do the trick and the Swarm dissipated.

Corhim had a vague feeling that these attacks were - in some way - adapting to his powers, to fully test his skills and abilities. The next lever summoned three ghouls and they came after him. Corhim almost always used non-violent magic though and while a Grease spell slowed them down, they were soon running after him again. One got its claws on him and he was badly hurt before pulling free and running off again.

With no way of really fighting them on the hoof he used a spell to fly up into the rafters of the dungeon-tavern and then attacked from there. He cast Blindness on two of them. The other one threw a chair at him.
The two blinded ghouls fumbled around the room - and started pulling levers! Corhim didn't know what to do as the dungeon started to fill up with other monsters! A small floating eye ball, some sort of troll or something. It was chaos and all Corhim could do was cower behind a rafter.

Brokenleaf sighed, put down his drink and walked down from the bar.
'They are not meant to pull the levers themselves,' he explained to Sparkledingle, before clearing the room with a few well placed Magic Missiles.

Corhim, rather shaken, walked up to the bar and poured himself a nice refreshing glass of lemonade to calm his nerves.