Friday 30 September 2016

(G291 20/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS5

(G291 20/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS5

DAY 266 (1st Nightal)(December) cont ...

An observer out on the moor that morning would have seen, then, the most unusual sight of a naked gnome being carefully carried by a succubus flying high out across the snow.

If Billi was cold, he did not feel it, for he was warmed by the passions of desire that he felt for his new lover. Erin Ja too, looked fondly down on her new beau and licked her lips.

Perhaps the others suspected that Erin's desire for Billi was more culinary than carnal, because they gave chase immediately.

Arahel turned into a giant owl and swooped out of the bedroom window while Veddic made to leave the room and rush down the stairs. Durz simply leapt out into the snow and began trudging through it as fast as he could. The half-orc was not especially gifted at making friends and did not want to lose this one.

On the stairs Veddic was stopped by Karhad who was wondering what was going on. 'Your misses is a succubus, cant stop!'  explained Veddic as he tried to go past.

Arahel made good progress and it did not take her long to swoop down onto the evil temptress and her goosebumped cargo. As she dove she skilfully turned into a cloaker and engulfed both of them in her rubbery flaps.

All three of them then began to plummet to the ground, but by some magical means Erin removed herself from the situation and was gone, leaving Arahel to grab at the gnome as best she could and land them both in the snow safe and sound.

Durz arrived and gave him his clothes then dragged the sulking gnome back to the inn. Billi had the psionic ability to float above the snow so he was not slowed  down by it.

Billi then cried for an hour, still under the charm spell of Erin, wondering where his true love had gone. Veddic realised that this spell could last anything up to ten days so tried a Dispel Magic spell on the gnome. It failed.

Arahel still flew about outside, not wishing to 'waste' her Wild Shape, for a few hours and Billi, still sulking, went out and threw snowballs at her. She just moaned at him, but no harm was done by either to the other.

Veddic was getting more and more concerned about everything to do with this inn and sat down to question Karhad. He learned that he had been married to Erin Ja for a year.
Veddic had a hard time believing that Karhad had not known his wife was a demon,
'Are you impaired?'
'No!' cried the young man. 'I am as astounded as you! I'm devastated!'

They went on to discuss the surrounding lands and he mentioned that he had heard  that there were tribes of orcs to the north, but didn't know much more than that.
He then called over a hunter called Rinso who informed them that Kingsholm was ten miles to the north east.

It was about an hour before noon, so after more conversation they had some lunch. Billi refused to eat and went to cry into his pillow upstairs.

Durz, after a big meal, grew irritated at his friend going so soft over a girl and went upstairs to bring Billi down. The door was locked so Durz used his
'Orcish Master Key' (i.e. his axe!) and opened it.
Billi was there with his crossbow ready, but in the end Durz persuaded the gnome to come down for a drink.

Billi got the strongest drink he could find (something called 'Barbed Vile Delight') drank half a mug of it and passed out under the table, frothing at the mouth but smiling.

Arahel grew bored of flapping about above the inn and came in for some lunch.
She stayed in her Cloaker form and scared all the inn's patrons upstairs.

Veddic, the only one vaguely focused on the mission, went upstairs to look for Rinso to hire him as a guide but could not find the fellow anywhere. Durz helped by knocked down the doors of any locked rooms they found.
Karhad asked why they were wrecking all his doors but Veddic gave him enough gold
to keep him happy.

Veddic came back down and told Arahel to make herself useful and go see if she could find Rinso. When she returned she reported that she had not seen him, or indeed any tracks at all leading from the inn. Rinso, she was sure, had not left.

They both agreed that something very strange was going on.

Next Veddic went from room to room, searching all the wardrobes, beds and cases. He gave silver coins to the inn's patrons to stifle their complaints. It was odd, he thought, that the people here seemed to have no more clothes than those that they had on.

Finally he gave up trying to figure out what was going on and gathered up the others to leave.

With Arahel flying above them in owl form they headed north east for what they estimated to be ten miles. It was slow going in the snow, even though he had cast a magic snow shoe spell on everyone.

It was now night time, about eight o'clock, so they lit a fire and made camp.

It was a bitterly cold night and those that did not have magic bedrolls suffered greatly.

DAY 267 (2nd Nightal)(December)

In the morning they broke camp, having had no trouble in the night, and had a look around. Arahel flew up in the sky and scouted about. To the north she saw a campsite in the distance and taking a slightly closer look saw about ten yurts (large hide covered tents) with many large humanoids going about their business.

She flew back and reported this to Veddic who decided it was worth taking a look, reasoning they could run away on their magic snow shoes if need be.

It took a couple of hours to get within visual distance of the camp, but as they approached they heard the call of hunting horns and a group of the humanoids came towards them at the run, with bears ahead of them.

(Just to add dear reader, these were the famous Thar Hunting Bears that have white fur in the winter, but shed it in the summer for a grey or brown pelt.
They are fearsome, but tamable to a certain extent. Not that they knew this yet.)

They ran for it, but after ten minutes it was clear that the hunters were gaining on them. Billi dove into a snow bank, unnoticed by the others and four bears stopped and sniffed him out when they arrived.

Arahel and Durz, suddenly realising their companion was in danger turned to go help, not realising that the cunning fellow had a plan.

Using more of his psionic powers he teleported himself into another snow bank 500 feet away and safe from harm.

The others though, were not in such a good position...

Friday 23 September 2016

(G290 13/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS4

(G290 13/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS4

DAY 265 (Feast of the Moon)(December) cont ...

Having defeated the strange statue creature, Veddic, Billi, Arahel and Durz then proceeded to loot the chests and gathered together a good quantity of coins and gemstones.

After such an exhausting fight they yet again settled down to recover for the rest of the day.

To pass the time Billi told stories of his mercenary days to entertain people. Durz did likewise but his tales mainly consisted of hitting people over the head and so fell a little flat.

Their chatting drew the interest of a denizen of the dungeon however who opened the door to the east and tried to make conversation. It was a dwarf like creature with a sinister look, but who was being friendly enough. Durz made to go after him, but the dwarf just closed and locked the  door and tried again later.

After some talk they learned his name was Zallater and he was the mason of the dungeon. He asked, 'How are you finding it so far? I'm sorry I had no budget to install any traps. The client ran out of money.'
'Who was the client?' asked Veddic, 'Was it Freddorick?'
He meant the cleric they had went to see in Hommlet in the summer when they had killed the two Bullettes.
Zallater would not be drawn on that subject though.

(Also, just to add some additional info dear reader. There was hardly any knowledge of anything at all in these brave companions. They were not scholars. However, I deduce from the description that Zallater was a half-fiend durzagon, the offspring of a deep dwarf and a devil, the same kin as Cavefoot, who was now working as an agent of the Thunderstaff family.)

Zallater said he had a pack of cards and offered to pass the time in a small game of skill with them and they agreed. He pulled up a chest to the table and sat down.

Money went back and forth as they played for a couple of hours. Then there was another knock at the door and a gargoyle poked its head in and asked if it could join in too.
Zallater looked at them and said, 'It's up to you, but gargoyles are cheating bastards.'

The gargoyle joined the game and won a few handfuls of gold from Durz. Durz began to think that the gargoyle might well be a cheating bastard and began to snarl.

Zallater took the hint and dragged off the gargoyle. Before he went though Veddic had the clever idea of bribing the durzagon 300 gold to escort them out the rest of the way.
The wily dungeon-maker agreed to take them through the 'maze' when they were ready but he would not enter the room at the end where the 'bad thing' was.
He said, 'When you are ready just come through this door and knock on the one to the right. That's my room. I'll take you from there.'

They spent the remainder of the day resting and talking about alcohol, which was the one subject on which Billi and Durz were experts.

DAY 265 (1st Nightal)(December)

At eight in the morning they set off and Zallater led them through a tight set of twisting corridors to the door where the 'bad thing' was. Veddic tried to pay in silver, but when Zallater saw the two big bags he said, 'Come on now, gold if you please' and Veddic grudgingly handed over gold instead.

The corridor they found themselves in terminated in another strong looking door. While heading for it, kitchen scraps and barbeque sauce fell on them from above, through small grills in the ceiling. They could also hear the noises of talking and laughter, the chinking of glasses and plates. In short, the sounds of a tavern.

The door was unlocked and when opened revealed a medium sized chamber full of rubbish and slime.
Durz crossed over to poke a suspicious looking pile and it rose up and attacked him, a large mass of ooze easily fifteen feet across.

It was none other than an infamous Black Pudding and it was eager to feast on them. Billi shot a well placed arrow at it, but this only made it split in half. Both halves then attacked them.
Durz found his weapons and armour being destroyed by the strong acid that formed part of its attack until Veddic cleverly cast Resist Elements on them all which made them immune to the acid.

Dwerry attacked with magic missiles from the back and Arahel turned into a troll. Her claws split the pudding even further, into four new parts, so she closed her fists and started punching it. Durz saw this as a good method and put down his weapons and also began to punch the creature.

Despite it doing damage to them, all the Puddings were finished off by magic missiles and punches, Durz and Arahel almost seeming to enjoy the experience.

There was a door in the other side of the room that opened onto some stairs that lead up to a trap door. They opened the trap door and found themselves in the common room of a tavern.

It had a dozen or so patrons in it and the usual complement of barmen and serving wenches.
The owner of the tavern, a well dressed young gentleman called Karhad, was astounded to  see theme arrive in such a fashion but was happy to feed them and arrange for them to have a bath (in order to wash off all the rubbish and sauce).

While Billi was the first to go up to get cleaned up, Veddic was rather skeptical about the whole set up and questioned Karhad.
He told them, 'I've only owned this place three months. I purchased the lease from an agent back in Melvaunt. We get trade from merchants travelling between Melvaunt and Glister. I had no idea there was a dungeon below here or who Zallater is or anything!'
Karhad also introduced his wife, a lady of great beauty called Erin Ja.

Arahel, although just a youngster, also picked up on the unease of Veddic and Durz and went to talk to a family at a table at the other end of the common room.
'Can we help you, little green person?' asked the only adult male in the group.

Arahel got a tale that seemed to back up the one told by Karhad.
'I am a merchant, this is my wife and children,' said the man, gesturing to the woman and the two young adults with him, 'I trade up and down all of this road. I like to stay here because they do good venison, you should try it.'

Billi too, was uneasy. As he went upstairs to where his bath was being prepared he looked out of the window at the snow covered moor and thought,
'This place is in the middle of nowhere! How can it still be in business?'

Despite his reservations he could not resist the hot bath and stripped off to his birthday suit and jumped it. He soaked for a bit, then Erin Ja entered with some towels.

At first Billi was shocked by her arrival, but then she cast a Charm spell on him and he became putty in her hands. She stripped naked, stepped into the bath then made passionate love to the lucky gnome.

Veddic, back in the common room, was getting worried about Billi when he had still not returned after an hour so he and Durz went up to check on him.

He entered the upstairs room and to his utter amazement saw an empty bath, an open window and in the distance Erin Ja now in her true form of an Erinyes (a more powerful type of Succubus) flying away with a naked gnome held lovingly in her arms!

'Come back with our gnome!' he bellowed out the window across the snowfields, but it was no use, Billi was still under her spell.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

(G289 06/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS3

(G289 06/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS3

DAY 264 (30 Uktar)(November) continued ...

The Moathouse and its dungeons were still deserted so they had no problems finding the yuan-ti snake gate.

There was a sign placed beside it that Dwerry translated:

Mind how you go
Stone men have sore stomachs
Make signal to *gibberish*
In the maze follow the moon

Rather cryptic they all thought, but Durz an Veddic put their best foot forward and stepped through the gate ... and fell down a fifty foot shaft into a spiked pit.

Dwerry was next and managed to keep her footing and step to the side. Billi tumbled out of danger and Arahel simply turned into a gargoyle and flapped to safety.

She chose this form as she, and the others that hadn't fallen, noticed that their were six gargoyles watching the portal which then attacked them.

Gargoyles can be tough customers, but the party was much tougher, so despite their initial disadvantage they felled one gargoyle after the other. Arahel lifted Veddic out of the pit and he, thinking that perhaps these gargoyles had been left by good forces to attack yuan-ti, offered a parley. Durz was still alive as well after his fall but was having trouble getting out of the pit.

The fighting stopped and one of the gargoyles that remained on his feet said,
'Very well guv'ner. How about me and my mates just walk through that door through there and say no more about it eh?'
Veddic was unsure as he thought perhaps they would then just ambush them later. One by one he could see that some of the gargoyles were edging towards the southern door and scampering off anyway and in the end he just had one to deal with.
'How about I cast a zone of truth on you?'
'No problem guv'ner, I am a truthful fellow after all.'

Veddic however had not prepared Zone of Truth that day so he attempted to bluff the gargoyle into thinking that he had cast it.
The gargoyle didn't fall for it though and said,
'Oh I can do that sort of magic as well!' and wiggling his fingers he pointed at Arahel and said
'You are now a giraffe!'
To his utter amazement Arahel then turned into a giraffe (using her own abilities of course!) and the gargoyle looked down at his fingers and said, 'Bugger me! I didn't know I had it in me!'

Veddic, tiring of the pantomime just let the last one go. Two gargoyles were dead anyway and two more had been carried off unconscious. After a minute or two of the door closing tp the south they heard  rumbling from that direction.

The door had been locked by the gargoyles as they left the portal chamber but Durz applied his 'key' to it (his axe) and soon had it open.

They saw a ten foot wide corridor with a recent rockfall at the end of it. Two of the gargoyles were trapped here too, but the one healthy one picked up its injured mate and flapped through the portal as quickly as it could to avoid the party and Durz's angry snarls.

The area now reasonably secure they rested for the remainder of the day in the northern part of the corridor, mainly so the spell casters could get their magic back.

DAY 265 (Feast of the Moon)(December)

They were not entirely left to sleep though. One of the gargoyles that had gone through the portal returned to keep an eye on them and had to be chased off.

Later, fluids poured down near where they were resting from a grate in the ceiling the first of which was was urine.

An hour later about a barrel of beer came down the same way. Durz tried it and declared it was very good stuff!

Finally, a while after that a thick brown gloopy substance trickled down the grate into the pools of beer. Durz tried it and pronounced it to be barbecue sauce.

The corridor they were resting in now smelled like the alley behind a tavern in Waterdeep!

In the morning though, they were rested enough to move on and tackle the rock fall. This was done by the good old Druidic method, namely the Stone Shape spell and Arahel tunnelled a small passage through the top of the rocks big enough for everyone to scramble through.

They now found that the corridor ended in another set of double doors and Durz applied his 'key' to this one as well.

The next room was much larger, contained a table and chairs and many chests scattered about. There were also three of the gargoyles skulking around and a tall statue which came to life as they entered.

This statue was a real threat to them as they found out when attacked them. It had the power to turn people against their allies and this caused chaos, as you can imagine, as they party were suddenly fighting amongst themselves. This it did by spraying them with blood from the weeping runes on its head (it had no face).
Not only that, but anyone struck by it ran the risk of being confused.

Durz did battle with his axe, Veddic cast spells and healed people where it was needed and
Billi tumbled about and using his mental powers to fire arrows right into the most sensitive
areas of his enemies. Arahel turned into a rhinoceros and Dwerry used magic missiles.

[Dear reader, from the description above I have deduced that this thing was a Rogue Eidolon and luckily for Veddic and his fellows not a fully powered one which would have been much more deadly.]

The Eidolon couldn't take them all on though and once the cowardly gargoyles had once more exited through a door to the east, the weight of numbers of the party managed to beat it back. Arahel again over-reached herself in the fighting and brave though she was, was struck to  the floor and came within one more blow of being killed. She turned back to her normal form and  played dead and luckily for her the Eidolon ignored her to concentrate on the threats from Durz  and Billi.

It was struck down with one last mighty blow and the battle was over. Veddic healed them all with his clerical magic and they wiped the dreadful Eidolon blood from their arms and armour.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

(G288 30/08/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS2

(G288 30/08/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS2

[To return to Waterdeep. You may remember, Veddic, Billitoppe, Ariel and Cavu had just finished laying some evil mummies at the Singing Sword Tavern]

DAY 260 (26 Uktar)(November) cont ...

Cavu did his best to organise the tidy up and had Ariel wrapped in a bed sheet and taken over to the Temple of Illmater which was not far away from the Tavern.

For the rest of the evening everyone went their separate ways, in order to prepare for their journey the next day.

Veddic went to the Temple with Cavu and had a long chat with him there while Ariel was resurrected. Ariel could only have been brought back to life by the mysterious personage known as Gertrude the White, but she did not talk about it when she came down the stairs from wherever it was she had been taken and revealed nothing of how she suddenly was back in the land of the living.

The Temple was a small affair, no more than a converted town house, with the front room serving as a nave and the dining room as the altar. The temple was served by a single cleric and an  acolyte.

Also this night Billitoppe ran into an old friend of his, a half orc barbarian known as Durz. Not only was he an old mercenary companion of Billi's, he was also the full brother (do half-orcs have half-brothers?) of recent adventuring partner Drashnag the Eye of Grummsh.

DAY 261 (27 Uktar)(November)

As Cavu had arranged the night before they all met at the Temple in the morning. Cavu had a chat with Durz, decided he was a good enough egg and welcomed him onboard.

After going over the plan once more (and several more times for Durz who was not the sharpest tool in the box) they set off on the first leg of the journey, which was to meet Corum and Fenrir at the South Gate.

Billi kept a good look out behind them and noticed that they were being followed down the busy Waterdeep streets by not one, but two human figures.

By stealth and cunning he managed to accost them both. It turned out one of them knew Billi from a mercenary company although Billi could not place him. His name was Turnus and all he said was that he was here in the street markets buying some ribbon.

Durz looked over and roared an intimidating demand along the lines of 'Get lost!' to Turnus and not only made the rogue scamper off sharply, but about ten other random people that were  also in the street!

While they continued on their way Rocky revealed to the party that he had been given a Stone of Sending by an agent of Maaril the Dragonmage the night before with which he was supposed to  report back the progress of the group. He said he wanted no part of this subterfuge and handed  the stone over to Dwerry who promptly pocketed it.

At the South Gate they were accosted by a crazy man that was familiar to anyone of the city passing this way in the last few months, 'Ware! Ware! Here come the brave souls! Away to seek the serpents! Away to seek the snake demon!'

Veddic was rather worried that this mad man seemed to know something of the nature of their quest, but the man was quickly carted off by the gate guards, saving him any further distress.

Fenrir and Corum met them at the gate as arranged along with a company of twenty or so city guard (Lead by a man called Captain Nardo) who were being sent out to calm the roads around  Waterdeep and to investigate abandoned dwellings along the way.

They made good progress, passing by the Byndraeth Estate and coming to an abandoned farm by nightfall.

The guards set up camp within the farmhouse and out buildings, but for reasons of their own Durz and Ariel slept outside of the safety of the farm walls.

Durz leaned up against a nearby tree and Ariel skulked about in a small copse. This made them targets, though, of one of the many bands of desperados that were around this area and three arrows were shot at Durz, none of which did him any damage.

He tromped up to the copse to see where the arrows had come from, but appeared to flush out a rhinoceros instead, much to his confusion, that charged off seemingly randomly into the night. To add even more to his confusion, the rhino spoke to him as it went by, saying,
'Don't worry, it's only me!'

Durz then squinted his eyes and saw three small humanoids running off at high speed over the fields and with a grunt decided the game was not worth the candle and went back to his sleeping tree.

Ariel too (for it was she!) gave up the chase and then tramped into the barn to find a place to sleep. As she stomped in, five guards ran out.

DAY 262 (28 Uktar)(November)

They spent another uneventful day on the road. A company of Waterdeep guards act as a very good escort under most circumstances and they arrived at the village of Amphaul unmolested.

They spent the night at the Stone Stallion Inn.

DAY 263 (29 Uktar)(November)

Once more their journey was unremarkable and sticking to the main road the found themselves in Hommlet that evening and wearily entered the Inn of the Welcoming Wench where the head of the Bullette slain by Oz and Alduin (with more than a little help from Jaroo the druid!) still hung over the bar.

They had been told to ask for Cavu's agent in Hommlet by the name of Mr Pin. He was not hard to find and it was none other than Mathmoss, my good friend and occasional crew member of the Sea Wyvern.

He said he would take them to the Portal on the morrow.

Ariel found she still had some energy left and while the others ate and drank in the tavern mshe went to the Druid's Grove and talked to Jaroo who was greatly interested to see such a young and unusual fey turn up at his doorstep. He offered her tea and they had a long chat.

Billi took the air as well and had a chat with a passing militia man who was patrolling the streets.

Back in the tavern Durz noticed that the bar maid known as Derndie seemed to have her eye on him. She perhaps was feeling that she had all but been abandoned by Alduin and was on the look out for another brave man (or half man) to take care of her.

They all spent the night in beds made up in the stable due to the Inn being full.

DAY 264 (30 Uktar)(November)

Durz, a gentleman who appears to often find himself in confusing situations, found that he had a large breakfast brought to him by Derndie while he was still abed. She seemed to know what to feed a half orc as it consisted mainly of bacon, pork chops and liver.

Ariel seemed upset by the amount of dead animal that Durz was consuming and the gnome and half orc treated her to some of their earthy barrack room humour on the subject of 'meat'.

Dwerry told her to ignore them and pointed out to Durz that Derndie had a soft spot for him.

Durz, apparently, couldn't have cared less though.

After breakfast Mathmoss lead them to the Moathouse, which was about an hours walk away and where the portal was situated.

Friday 9 September 2016

(G287 23/08/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, NG)(MV2)

(G287 23/08/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, NG)(MV2)

I hope I'm not confusing things here, but I recently learned another part of the tale of the adventures of those fellows back in Parabor and I will here related it ...

You may remember they consisted of the following:

Vansee Muffiecats - the cleric
Fanny Bag - the halfling rogue
'Brian' - the dragonborn paladin
Steven - the wizard

Now they were joined by two others who had apparently been out of town when Elaria died. These were Dorgen Slowind, a dwarf and Morga Harrot, a teifling.

They were all old friends so together they set off to the nearby forest on the third leg of their quest. There were attacked by wolves on the way, but they soon saw them off.

Deep in the forest they came to the grave of a woman who had once been an old friend of Elaria and I'm ashamed to say I have forgotten the name of.

The grave was haunted by the lady's ghost and before giving her share of the tiles she insisted on testing all six of them.

Morga had to play her best tune, but sadly it wasn't good enough and she was punished with a  ghostly touch. Vansee had to a short lecture on medicine and this impressed the ghost.
Next up, Brian had to tell a horror story, but she was not impressed.
Fanny had to not fall off a log, a task that she performed with consummate ease.
Steven had to do something magical but it did not impress the ghost lady and he was also

In the end though, on balance, she agreed they were who they said they were and handed over her portion of the vault tiles and they headed back to Parabor.

Once they had sorted themselves out they headed to the final location mentioned in Elaria's will, a set of caves in the mountains.

This turned out to be the lair of some kobolds and they were not accustomed to receiving visitors.
In the fighting that followed Steven managed to put three of them to sleep. When Brian went over to finish them off though he fell into a pit trap.

The others helped him out and they continued on their way. At the next cave they met a kobold shaman and again Steven put him to sleep before he could do much harm. Moving into the cave Dorgen was captured in a cage of bones and at the same time a giant spider dropped from the ceiling.

It shot some webs at Steven but was hit by a powerful Guiding Bolt fired by Vansee. Brain then moved in and used his flaming breath to finish it off. Brain then also killed off the sleeping shaman.

In this cave they found some coinage and the last of the vault tiles.

And so they returned to Parabor for the final time and used the tiles to open the vault of Elaria. The doors opened and they walked down into a stone chamber in which were three pedestals on which lay a sword, a chest and a journal with a pearl on it. At the back of  the room was a large map.

As they walked towards the pedestals an image of Elaria appeared before them and said, 'If you are my students and you are down here, then I am probably dead. All is explained in the journal and on the map.'
She went on to tell them that her real name was Elaria Dawnforge and that she had changed it to escape from a band of necromancers. All her other companions had been killed off and she alone had escaped. As she went on a voice behind them said, 'Touching...'

Shocked they turned round to see none other than an aforementioned necromancer, by the name of Drazal Vibbin and four summoned skeletons.

Vansee attacked first and hit the necromancer with a Guiding Bolt. Brain breathed fire onto the skeletons. The others attacked. The fighting was one sided and the skeletons were quickly destroyed. Random blasts of energy hit people as the fighting went on, a rather hap hazard defence feature of the room.

Once the necromancer was also dispatched the heroes dusted themselves down and went to look at the journal...