Friday, 30 September 2016

(G291 20/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS5

(G291 20/09/2016 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM), MJ, HK, NG) SS5

DAY 266 (1st Nightal)(December) cont ...

An observer out on the moor that morning would have seen, then, the most unusual sight of a naked gnome being carefully carried by a succubus flying high out across the snow.

If Billi was cold, he did not feel it, for he was warmed by the passions of desire that he felt for his new lover. Erin Ja too, looked fondly down on her new beau and licked her lips.

Perhaps the others suspected that Erin's desire for Billi was more culinary than carnal, because they gave chase immediately.

Arahel turned into a giant owl and swooped out of the bedroom window while Veddic made to leave the room and rush down the stairs. Durz simply leapt out into the snow and began trudging through it as fast as he could. The half-orc was not especially gifted at making friends and did not want to lose this one.

On the stairs Veddic was stopped by Karhad who was wondering what was going on. 'Your misses is a succubus, cant stop!'  explained Veddic as he tried to go past.

Arahel made good progress and it did not take her long to swoop down onto the evil temptress and her goosebumped cargo. As she dove she skilfully turned into a cloaker and engulfed both of them in her rubbery flaps.

All three of them then began to plummet to the ground, but by some magical means Erin removed herself from the situation and was gone, leaving Arahel to grab at the gnome as best she could and land them both in the snow safe and sound.

Durz arrived and gave him his clothes then dragged the sulking gnome back to the inn. Billi had the psionic ability to float above the snow so he was not slowed  down by it.

Billi then cried for an hour, still under the charm spell of Erin, wondering where his true love had gone. Veddic realised that this spell could last anything up to ten days so tried a Dispel Magic spell on the gnome. It failed.

Arahel still flew about outside, not wishing to 'waste' her Wild Shape, for a few hours and Billi, still sulking, went out and threw snowballs at her. She just moaned at him, but no harm was done by either to the other.

Veddic was getting more and more concerned about everything to do with this inn and sat down to question Karhad. He learned that he had been married to Erin Ja for a year.
Veddic had a hard time believing that Karhad had not known his wife was a demon,
'Are you impaired?'
'No!' cried the young man. 'I am as astounded as you! I'm devastated!'

They went on to discuss the surrounding lands and he mentioned that he had heard  that there were tribes of orcs to the north, but didn't know much more than that.
He then called over a hunter called Rinso who informed them that Kingsholm was ten miles to the north east.

It was about an hour before noon, so after more conversation they had some lunch. Billi refused to eat and went to cry into his pillow upstairs.

Durz, after a big meal, grew irritated at his friend going so soft over a girl and went upstairs to bring Billi down. The door was locked so Durz used his
'Orcish Master Key' (i.e. his axe!) and opened it.
Billi was there with his crossbow ready, but in the end Durz persuaded the gnome to come down for a drink.

Billi got the strongest drink he could find (something called 'Barbed Vile Delight') drank half a mug of it and passed out under the table, frothing at the mouth but smiling.

Arahel grew bored of flapping about above the inn and came in for some lunch.
She stayed in her Cloaker form and scared all the inn's patrons upstairs.

Veddic, the only one vaguely focused on the mission, went upstairs to look for Rinso to hire him as a guide but could not find the fellow anywhere. Durz helped by knocked down the doors of any locked rooms they found.
Karhad asked why they were wrecking all his doors but Veddic gave him enough gold
to keep him happy.

Veddic came back down and told Arahel to make herself useful and go see if she could find Rinso. When she returned she reported that she had not seen him, or indeed any tracks at all leading from the inn. Rinso, she was sure, had not left.

They both agreed that something very strange was going on.

Next Veddic went from room to room, searching all the wardrobes, beds and cases. He gave silver coins to the inn's patrons to stifle their complaints. It was odd, he thought, that the people here seemed to have no more clothes than those that they had on.

Finally he gave up trying to figure out what was going on and gathered up the others to leave.

With Arahel flying above them in owl form they headed north east for what they estimated to be ten miles. It was slow going in the snow, even though he had cast a magic snow shoe spell on everyone.

It was now night time, about eight o'clock, so they lit a fire and made camp.

It was a bitterly cold night and those that did not have magic bedrolls suffered greatly.

DAY 267 (2nd Nightal)(December)

In the morning they broke camp, having had no trouble in the night, and had a look around. Arahel flew up in the sky and scouted about. To the north she saw a campsite in the distance and taking a slightly closer look saw about ten yurts (large hide covered tents) with many large humanoids going about their business.

She flew back and reported this to Veddic who decided it was worth taking a look, reasoning they could run away on their magic snow shoes if need be.

It took a couple of hours to get within visual distance of the camp, but as they approached they heard the call of hunting horns and a group of the humanoids came towards them at the run, with bears ahead of them.

(Just to add dear reader, these were the famous Thar Hunting Bears that have white fur in the winter, but shed it in the summer for a grey or brown pelt.
They are fearsome, but tamable to a certain extent. Not that they knew this yet.)

They ran for it, but after ten minutes it was clear that the hunters were gaining on them. Billi dove into a snow bank, unnoticed by the others and four bears stopped and sniffed him out when they arrived.

Arahel and Durz, suddenly realising their companion was in danger turned to go help, not realising that the cunning fellow had a plan.

Using more of his psionic powers he teleported himself into another snow bank 500 feet away and safe from harm.

The others though, were not in such a good position...

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