Tuesday 7 May 2024

(G553 16/03/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AL) YI20

 (G553 16/03/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AL) YI20

[Fenrir the Warlock, Giselle the Bard, Corhim the Gnomish Wizard and Dak the half-orc barbarian are inside the Fortress of the Yaun-ti.]

DAY 622 (15th Uktar) (November) cont ...

At about four in the morning, they all climbed down the rope from their hiding place and re-entered the fortress.

They then carefully made their way to the entrance to a tower they had not yet explored.

The rooms in this one had the same snake motifs as others they had seen so far. As they went up the stairs into the upper areas they were attacked by three undead baboons. These were easily dealt with.

Moving on up they were attacked by a necromancer and his undead minions.

These skeletons were armed with magic lightning scimitars which did a lot of damage even when just touching someone. Dak was injured and then was  healed by Giselle. One by one he and Fenrir then destroyed the skeletons.

After that Fenrir blasted the necromancer down from his perch on top of a sinister gold idol that hung from the ceiling in the centre of the room.

With the upper part of the tower cleared of enemies they headed down. The next chamber they came to was full of horrible demonic artworks. Six ragged prisoners were chained up here, and just as our heroes arrived it looked like one of them was making their escape.

There was also an evil cleric here but she was easily killed. The prisoners were happy to be rescued and the tough one that had helped in the fight introduced herself as Arzanezra. Dak sent the six prisoners on their way, but Arzanezra said she would join them. Fenrir was a little suspicious and asked her about herself. She told him she was a paladin, but that was about all he got out of her.

Going further down the came to a portal. After having a good poke at it they deduced that it would need "the right combination".

So they continued downwards into the bottom chamber of the tower. Here a large golem lurked and it leapt out at them and attacked. It was mostly immune to Fenrir's magic so Dak had to do all the chopping and biffing.

After the fight he asked Arzanezra to use "lay on hands" but she said she had already used it for the day.

This tower now largely cleared of any threats they went back into the main fortress and tried another one. After searching around for a bit they came to a large library.

There was a balcony area in it, and from here a yaun-ti addressed them in a deep voice.


I have wondered if you would show up here. I believe we should talk.


Fenrir and the others looked up and waited to see what he had to say.


I am Zoldathra, Master of the Word. I have been a member of the Vanguard of Sertrous for decades. Until recently, I thought that I was privy to the greatest secrets of my organization. I was wrong.

One day, Sertrous will rise and the Vanguard will rule in his name. You cannot stop that. But perhaps we can work together in the interim, to prevent the travesty envisioned by the Vanguard's current leaders.

Only recently have I learned that the creature they intend to bring forth with the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss is intended not to rule the world, but to help destroy it. I dare not move against my leaders directly, but perhaps with my assistance, you can accomplish what I cannot.


Dak and Fenrir looked at each other and shrugged. "Go on then!' they called back up.

Zoldathra gave them a lot of information about the ritual that they mostly didn't pay attention to, but he did usefully tell them how to operate all the portals and how to access the final tower where the ritual was taking place - the Tower of Worlds.


The tower is built atop the cliff, but it is out of phase with the rest of our world. The sacrament takes place there even as we speak. Be warned, though - enough of the sacrament's components are already assembled that it can no longer be stopped. Your only hope lies in thwarting the collection of the last relics necessary for the rites, and in harrying the so-called leaders of the Vanguard as they seek to complete their plans.


Corhim thought that they should kill Zoldathra now, but as they left Fenrir said. "We'll get him on the way back".

Using the direction they had been given then found the portal they needed and Fenrir went through first.

He found himself exiting through an arch that was in the centre of a room full  of corpses hanging from hooks. As the light from the arch faded a massive shape rose from the darkness.

A mass of hairless blubbery flesh surrounded him on all sides. Countless screaming mouths, rending claws and bloodstained teeth. It was a swarm of dretches, known as the Wretched Tide. It was a bit much for him to handle alone and as he battled this horror, getting nibbled on and covered in gore, he wondered where the others were.

Dak and Corhim were arguing about how long to wait, not realising that Fenrir couldn't get back again. Eventually Dak stepped through and joined the battle. Much blasting and chopping ensued.

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