(G579 04/01/2025 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AP, AD) 5ED1
[Sometimes so interesting stories come my way, and when I have time I write them down. It's always interesting to me, to hear about young adventurers starting out in the world. This story comes to via Random, whom you may remember is a teifling bard / merchant / meddler of my acquaintance. How he knows about it he has not told me yet. I will hear by relate it as closely as I can to the original telling - Rollo.]
Oh, I get about, here there and everywhere at the moment. I know you like a laugh Rollo old bean, so here is the story about a trio of unlikely companions:
Nestor Applebaum - a somewhat psychotic cleric
Haggen Dashenford - a former soldier, turned traveling nuisance
Rogier the Bard - inflictor of mostly friendly fire
All I can tell you about them at this stage in the story old chap is that each of them, in their own way, were ill suited to the company of others.
Nester was a fatalist. Whatever sinister god he worshiped had made him into the sort of young fellow that would stick a knife in someone on the smallest of inducements.
Haggen was used to barking orders and being obeyed and would take to sulking when he was not listened to.
Rogier was a danger to those around him due to his unpredictable use of his bardic magic.
It was merely by chance that they fell into step on the road leading to Greball Village. They had done nothing more than nod at each other in greeting when they reached an old stone bridge.
From the bushes emerged a lion that fancied itself a tasty snack. Haggen was the first to react and swung his greatsword at it. Nestor drew his mace but swung and missed.
Rogier used a Poison Spray spell, but it was Haggen that dealt the killing blow.
On the other side of the bridge they saw two boars lurking in the bushes. Rollo note here: Perhaps the lion had been hunting the boars and the fellows had blundered into the middle of it?).
Rogier shot a Firebolt at the boars, but Haggen told him off for attracting their attention. Nestor shrugged and fired his bow at the boars.
'Why are you all attacking?' grumbled Haggen, who then rushed at the boars with his sword.
A boar gored Haggen, but Rogier used a ranged healing ability to get him back into the action.
Then, two more boars emerged from another bush.
"Haggen, you going to complain about this one too, or are we just fighting them?" quipped Rogier.
"I'm not wading in alone this time," Haggen grumbled, shaking his head.
Nestor struck the third boar, and Haggen finished it off.
Haggen said something critocal so Nestor gave him the finger and walked up the road a bit, leaving them to butcher the carcasses. While they busied themselves, he packed tobacco into his pipe, watching the others work.
After that, they walked for another two hours before wandering into a Grebell village. It was quiet, save for a few villagers meandering about. Some waved in greeting as the trio passed.
They made their way to the inn, where a few locals loitered outside. A serving wench bustled about, and the barman greeted them.
"Village is quiet at the moment," the barman remarked, handing them keys for individual rooms. They settled at a table outside, and Nestor took a long drag on his pipe, watching the smoke curl into the evening air.
As the sun dipped lower, they turned in, taking what the young adventurers call a "long rest."
I'm like you, Rollo old chap. When I am out and about, slaying dragons and what-not, I like to call it a day at the end of the evening and sleep through to the morning.
It's not what the youngsters are doing these days, though. They pay no heed to the movements of the old sun. They divide their time by things called "Short Rests" and "Long Rests." I prefer a good long kip myself, but each to their own, I suppose.
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