Monday 9 September 2024

(G566 17/08/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AL) YI28

(G566 17/08/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AL) YI28  

[Corhim Sparkledingle the gnome wizard, Fenrir the human warlock, Dak the half-orc barbarian and Levmeia the cleric are on Bone Island. They have (more or less) defeated the vampires of the Dementor.]

DAY 635 (28th Uktar) (November) cont ...

After they had captured the three head vampires they helped themselves to all the vampire's treasure. It was a decent haul - a war chest of all their money and valuables.

As gold and silver was stuffed into bags, they talked about what should be done with their captives. Fenrir was all for destroying them as soon as possible, while Dak and Sparkledingle's heads raced with all the options they could think of - interrogation, and exploitation were the main themes, but I understand it was a long and bizarre conversation.

Eventually they went back to the villa were Lesent was looking after all the slumbering vampire victims. There were nine in total.

They discussed their options for getting off the island. Lesent had the most information to offer and he said,
'I don't think all of us would survive trying to get off the island by boat. There is a really nasty sea monster that prevents people leaving. Teleportation is blocked and lots of divine spells are also blocked. 100ft above us is some sort of layer of poison, which prevents leaving that way. Oh - and don't try invisibility spells, they are detected by the Pillar of Marn and they will send undead to investigate.'

They woke the cleric to speak to her, and she gave this information:

- When islanders are slain, they effectively resurrect in about a week and go back to their day / night ghost cycle.
- islanders dominated by vampires turn into ghosts at night and throw off the domination. This was why the vampires preferred to dominate castaways and non-local adventure parties.
- Any castaway slain on the island is taken by the curse and cannot be resurrected off the island.
- There is a portal in the Pillar of Marn, but its well defended
- Islanders are undead. During the day they manifest as the living. They are truly ghosts though.

They talked and planned into the night, then went to bed.

DAY 636 (29th Uktar) (November)

In the morning they left Lesent and the sleepers again and walked into Port Mentera.

They entered the market and were warmly greeted by the locals. For a while they sat at a table outside a cafe and watched the world go by. Levmeia cast Detect Undead, but everyone showed up as living.

Keeping an eye on things though, they spotted a couple that were not dressed like the locals. Their clothes were ragged and they huddled together as they quickly went into the market, bought some food and left.

Fenrir approached them, but they tried to scuttle off. He turned on the charm and they opened up to him. They were indeed castaways, and had been on the island for about year, lying low during the night and only coming into town when they had to. They were sailors named Hedrick and Emma.

'We did try to escape by boat once, my lord, but a giant sea monster sunk us and we swam back to shore,' they told him.

I'm not sure what ideas were forming in Corhim's mind, but he had Dak give them 100 gold and they arranged to meet in four days time. 'Talk to any others you know,' he told them. 'And bring them here.'

After that they bought some provisions from the market and went to the docks to check on the Captain's Pinnace. It was still there, but the two sailors they had left on it were not.

They then went back to the villa and spent the rest of the evening resting and talking over their plans with Lesent.

DAY 637 (30th Uktar) (November)

After breakfast they wandered back into Mentera and installed themselves in the tavern. There was a small temple on the other side of the town square. People went about their business as if there was nothing wrong.

They speculated over the islands curse. It was all guesses though. Lesent had told them that the lich in the Pillar of Marn would be the only one that knew of the curses origins but even that was just a guess.

'I know!' declared Fenrir. 'Why don't we invite them all to a boat party. Let's all just sail away from the island and when the sea monster attacks we just... umm... feed the ghost boats to it so we can get away! Or if the ghosts wont do it, then all the castaways we are meeting later.'

This idea (as you may expect) was not met with much enthusiasm. They then went on to talking about digging their way out. Corhim could turn himself into a Bulette and just start tunnelling. After all, how far down could the curse go?

After one more for the road they went back to the villa and put their plan into action. It was simple and effective and it was only a matter of hours until they had carved their way down nearly a mile!

It was a rubbish tunnel by anyone's standards. A dwarf would have blushed to see how poorly they had propped it up with broken beds, tables and chairs, but it was enough to get them a mile away from the curse.

Fenrir took a deep breath and tried his magic boots. He successfully Teleported back to The Reveng and let the captain know what was going on. He then Teleported back again.
It had worked!

DAY 638 (Feast of the Moon) (November)

Today they waited. They had their escape plan, but just wanted to wait for Hedrick and Emma and whoever else fancied being rescued. Also, the Dominations would be wearing off on the sleepers bit by bit, which would make Teleporting them a whole lot easier.

DAY 639 (1st Nightal)(December)

They waited, playing Gnome Cards, drinking and swapping tall tales.

DAY 640 (2nd Nightal)(December)

Today three of the sleepers were woken up. They were no longer dominated. Hedrick and Emma were picked up from Mentera along with six others that were willing to take a chance.

DAY 641 (3rd Nightal)(December)

Fenrir started teleporting people back and forth. He got most of them back to the boat today.

DAY 642 (4th Nightal)(December)

The remainder were Teleported back today.

Our heroes and really done a good deed and had not only rescued ten people from the clutches of the vampires, but had safely got them off the island.

Additionally they had rescued eight castaways!

With sighs of relief all round, The Reveng set sail back to Yag Island.

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