Saturday 24 August 2024

(G564 29/06/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AL) YI27

 (G564 29/06/2024 via Roll20 - JF(GM), KT, AL) YI27

[Corhim Sparkledingle the gnome wizard, Fenrir the human warlock, Dak the half-orc barbarian and Levmeia the cleric are on Bone Island doing battle with the vampires  of the Dementor.]

DAY 635 (28th Uktar) (November) cont ...

They decided to start with the villa to the west and set off at about nine in the morning. Reinward and Fenrir discussed what to do with the vampires when they finally got their hands on them. Reinward was all for keeping them.

When they got there, Fenrir flew up into the sky, while invisible, to check it out. When he was at about 60 ft he noticed that above him, at about 100 ft the air had a faint greenish tint to it. He mentioned this to Sparkledingle who flew up to take a look. They agreed that it looked like poison.

Dak was getting impatient and went directly to the front door of this small but pleasant looking villa.

'Ho! Is there anyone there?' he called out as he knocked.

After a while he heard a frail voice on the other side. 'Who iz eet?'

'Uh, can I borrow a cup of brown sugar?'

'I've no sugar! Please go away!'

'Uh, in that case, we are an Island Security Team come to check if all your doors and windows are secure - you can't be too careful these days!'

'Oh,' said the small voice. 'My son deals with that sort of thing. He'll be back soon!'

Dak listened, pressing his ear against the door. 'I can hear whispering! How many of you are back there?'

'Yes, there are sonny. Hey, ahh, Vanessa come here and talk to the young man.'

'Hello?' said a little old lady voice.

By this time Dak was convinced it was just a bunch of vampires playing tricks on him so he went and smashed in a window. He saw dark figures inside and averted his eyes just in time (for they were indeed vampires!) as they tried to dominate them.

'It's vampires!' he called out and Fenrir immediately set fire to the villa's roof.

Dak then charged inside in a full-on rage.

He rampaged from room to room, smashing windows and shouting. He saw a big dinosaur skeleton in the main hall. It was encrusted in gems, but he ignored them, simply charging from room to room smashing things up as the house filled with smoke.

Fenrir joined him inside, but they could find no coffins on the ground or first floor. They headed into the cellar and found a grand total of 13 coffins. They were all empty though. They searched for secret doors, but the cellar was getting too full of smoke, so they had to leave the building entirely.

They stuffed two empty coffins into a Bag of Holding before exiting the cellar.

Corhim had been outside and he could see that a group of people were watching the burning villa from the brow a hill about a mile away. When the other's got back, they tried teleporting to the group, but the curse of Bone Island seemed to prevent this.

'Ah bugger it,' said Fenrir. 'Try skrying Baroness Partick. See if we got her.'

Corhim did so, but all he saw was the lady calmly eating her breakfast. 'She must be at the other villa,' he reported.

Around noon they arrived at the eastern villa. The "one with the lions". It was a lot bigger  than all the others they had visited so far and it did indeed have stone lions at the gate. It was also in a village. People gave them cheerful waves as they entered.

Corhim decided to try a new spell - Prying Eyes. He summoned lots of little eyes to watch

all around the villa with these instructions:


Every odd eye inform immediately of people exiting building. Every even eye follow exiters and report  after 20 mins. Keep in range


Fenrir then had an invisible flap all around the building. It was a very big place, it looked like it had once been an inn. (Note added by Rollo here: It had once been a very expensive spa retreat for the wealthy merchants from Calisham!)

After that, they burst into the building front and back. Fenrir blasted through a window although there was a perfectly good door nearby.

He saw a vampire and blasted it into vapour and then Levmeia destroyed it utterly with her cleric magic. The next vampire they encountered looked like a cleric, but he too was blasted into mist. He then wafted back to his coffin.

Corhim cast Glitterdust down a corridor. This turned out to not be a good way to detect undead so Levmeia cast Detect Undead and they proceeded to hunt through the rooms looking for other vampires. Corhim went outside to 'provide overwatch'.

After a while as they explored into the villa, Levmeia detected something and pointed out the heading. Dak then went wildly from room to room smashing down every door he could find. He soon lost his bearings and ended up in an abandoned wing of the villa. He smashed up some more of the doors in this area out of frustration.

Meanwhile Fenrir had found a coffin with the cleric vampire in it. He stuffed it into a bag of holding.

They found more coffins, but they were empty. Dak returned to the others and defenestrated the coffins. 

Why? You may ask. But then, why does he do anything? I've found since knowing him that he is handy in a fight and will usually do what you tell him, but when he doesn't understand what is going on he will always a) smash down doors and b) throw things out of windows.

After a lot of rooting around Levmeia found that the vampires were hiding in the latrines! The cunning monsters were in gaseous form and lurking at the bottom of the poop holes. These were on the first floor though so the holes could be no more than three feet deep. How they were emptied could not be guessed at but they were certainly full to the top with relatively fresh human dung.

'There is a vampire down each hole,' said Levmeia as her Detection spell homed in on the undead.

Fenrir went into the toilets and eyed up the two cubicles. Dak shouted advice from the other side of the door. Fenrir shrugged and fired off an Eldritch Cone. This destroyed the wooden barriers and doors that surrounded the latrines.

Fenrir went to a bedroom and took a sheet from the bed, then with that covering him he went back to the toilets and gave them another blast. This destroyed the latrine seats and showered the area in poop. He got some on his hand. He tried again, and then again, with much the same effect. Poop was thrown everywhere, all over the walls and ceiling and all over Fenrir's hands and boots.

Holding his nose, Dak came in to curse and issue dire threats to the vampires. The undead remained where they were. After some time though Fenrir decided to go downstairs and attack the problem from below. They trooped down the stairs and located a sauna room that they thought was directly below the toilets and started blasting. Eventually the beams gave way and the floor caved in, toilets, poop, vampires and all. The vampires were quickly blasted to mist and retreated to their coffins.

These two coffins were soon discovered upstairs and were stuffed into a back of holding along with the other one. That was all the main, most powerful vampires now dealt with. 

A messy job, but a job well done!

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