DAY 243 (10 Uktar)(November) cont ...
Dear Kitty,
If you may remember then, we (Being the Lavius Expedition Rescue Party) were in the Monastery of the Ebon Dome, resting before moving on into the dark rift where the statues of my cousin Rollo and the others were. We had been attacked by wisps during the night, but after that all was quiet and we slept through until what passed for morning in the Plane of Shadow arrived.
The Rescue party still consisted of me, being a Cleric of Sylvanus, Lady Lavinia, Shump the half orc barbarian, Yli the scout, Irritator the wizard, Basil the druid and Sybil the medusa.
In the morning we made it as far as the ledge in the Rift were I had last seen Badger and Rat. Yli scouted ahead and spotted a couple of trolls on the ledge and we decided to fight them. Stupidly though we fought them on the bridge and it turned out their were three trolls as they all charged across at us.
Lavinia landed a great shot on the lead troll with her bow, but Irritator missed with an Acid Arrow spell. Basil cast a decent Chain Lightning spell, but all three were still on their feet when the first of them engaged with Shump. Two or three blows rang out then the troll pushed Shump off the bridge and be plunged into the piles of bones below. Sybil petrified the first of the trolls and Basil cast Lightning again and my Magic Weapon finished off the last of them.
Both trolls fell from the bridge and landed like huge over-ripe fruit at the feet of Shump as he was making his way back to the foot of the tower.
The whole thing lasted about thirty seconds and in the dark it was basically;
Bang-clang-clang-clang-zap-zap-zonk-clunk-splat-splat with only the two lightning bolts lighting the place up enough for me to see what was really going on.
Anyway, Shump returned and I healed up his injuries from the fall. We then moved on to the platform and I coaxed Badger and Rolanda out from the hiding place. The Rat was pleased to see us and reported that all the statues had been moved further into the cave that the Gorgon guarded or such was her suspicion anyway.
We set up a hidden camp and waited until the next day.
DAY 244 (11 Uktar)(November)
Lavinia came up with the plan. It was simple enough, Basil and Irritator were to send in wave after wave of summoned creatures and we were all to stay out of range of the Gorgon.
The two summoners lead the way and two waves of wolves were summoned even before we had made contact with the enemy. Irritator summoned Celestial Bees of all things and they were useless. Those wolves were amazing though, perhaps even better than crocodiles.
About a dozen of them swarmed over the Gorgon and the armoured warrior. The warrior didn't stand a chance and in the darkness of the cave entrance I saw him being pulled to bits by the wolves as the rest of the fight went on.
The Gorgon used its petrifying breath and turned a few of the wolves to stone and sadly Sybil as well who has gotten a bit too close on the path that lead down to the cave area.
As more wolves arrived to take the place of the petrified ones the Gorgon bellowed and charged up the path trampling everything and everyone in its way. Sybil was broken up into chunks as it passed and me, Shump and Basil were all stomped on. It ran out of steam at the top of the hill though where as it panted for breath Basil's huge viper rose up on its coils and sunk its fangs into the bull's neck.
We'd done it! Basil was very distraught at the loss of Sybil but Irritator seemed to think he would be able to bring her back as long as we collected all the pieces. Meanwhile I followed Lavinia into the cave to locate her wayward husband.
Fortunately they were all there, frozen like a bunch of idiots with shocked expressions on their faces.
It would take a while to sort them all out, but I could breath easily at last, the Rescue Party had turned out to be a success after all.
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