Thursday, 5 March 2015

(G231 13/02/2015 via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, MI) 29

(G231 13/02/2015  via Roll20 - JF(GM), AP, MI) 29


REPORT AUTHOR : Crewman Lydia Anderson

Continued ...

The next chamber we entered seemed to be some sort of medical facility with six items that looked like stasis
pods. The pods contained sleeping Baneans and Numaris.

Ensign Kirk powered and activated the Fatima AI and asked her for information on the pods, but they were not
technology that she recognised having been put here by the Vidiians after she had been powered off.

Kirk took a look over things himself with his tricorder but was reluctant to touch them without the proper
training. He contacted the Doctor on Voyager but we did not get specific advice, only to capture a Vidiian
alive if possible to help open the pods.

There were several exits from this chamber and a supply cupboard to the 'east'. A quick search of the cupboard
turned up various medical items and what appeared to be a portable motorbike.

The next chamber we searched was to the 'north'. It was cold, about 5 DegC, and full of alien corpses.
To the 'south' of the medical room was a corridor full of doors. None of them could be opened with a tricorder.

Ensign Kirk set his phase pistol to wide beam and we burned through the first door. Our thinking was that these
were holding cells for the Vidiian victims and this turned out to be the case. The first cell contained a humanoid
female who identified herself as Captain Akar.
The next cell contained two Banean beauticians and the next, three Babi Ijo.

Mioen sent out a subspace message to Voyager:
'We have rescued prisoners, we certainly need more transport.'
The reply was:
'Try and get them out if possible. Voyager rather busy. Lets us know when you are ready to return. Tuvok.'

The next cell held a Norlot.

The next cell held some sort of powerful snake-humanoid creature that attacked us. It seemed to have powers of
invisibility and regeneration. Also, the smaller powered Vidiian Harvesters did little damage to it.
It rampaged out of its cell and attacked everyone in the medical room. Ensign Kirk and Captain Akar were badly
injured by its claws but the massed firepower of the Star Fleet crew and the escaped prisoners eventually killed

After the fight we felt the lack of a properly medically trained person as Kirk was in dire need of first aid but
the only person with good enough training to help him was one of the Banean beauticians.

While he was healed as best we could, Mioen explored to the 'west' and made contact with a Vidiian hiding there
who identified himself as 'Belleth.'

Mioen gathered together some of the less injured, including myself, Parsons and the Norlot to follow Belleth as
he retreated down a corridor that turned to the 'north' back towards the loading bays.

Mioen tried to use her powers of persuasion on the Vidiian to come and surrender to us, but he was too nervous
and continued to retreat.

We were then attacked by one of the remaining Vidiian Infiltrators who killed the Norlot and put Parsons out
of action. I managed to injure the Infiltrator badly enough to make him flee.

We did have Belleth though, and took him back to the medical chamber. Belleth was a Vidiian doctor and knew how
to open the stasis pods so we ordered him to do so. After he had done that Mioen stunned him with her phaser.

The prisoner, non-combatants and wounded were taken back to the Tereshkova and got ready for departure. Mioen
talked to Fatima back at the loading bay, asking her if she had any control over life support. The AI did not
though and whatever plan Mioen had could not progress further.

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