Saturday 5 October 2024

(G568 07/09/2024 via Roll20 - JF, KT, AP(GM), AD) YI-B9

(G568 07/09/2024 via Roll20 - JF, KT, AP(GM), AD) YI-B9

[Myself (your humble narrator, Rollo the Druid), Reinward the Chosen One and Fangornio the  Barbarian are on a new adventure to retrieve a "Beacon" from the Chambers of Infernal Malice.]

DAY 637 (20th Uktar) (November) cont ...

Having defeated the chamber full of giant Purple Worms and got our breath back I got out my carving knife and cut some steaks off the giant Worms. They were juicy, but not very appetising in appearance. I think they may be edible, and marinating them may make them more palatable.

With that all done, we went back to the west doorway in the first room and entered the next chamber. It was full of levers and mechanisms and I spent some time trying to work out what it all did. It was some kind of dispenser, but all I got it to produce was a scroll case that contained a parchment that read (in dwarven):

'Stop Mucking Around with my Machine.'

Just the usual dungeon nonsense then. Probably left here by the mason. Dungeon masons like Zallater are all totally bananas, so it was most likely left here by someone like that.

I did a sketch of the room and the levers anyway, just in case I ever fancied trying to figure out more.

After that we continued deeper into the dungeon and found ourselves at a door. From behind it we could hear a chittering sort of sound. Reinward 'blinked' his head through the door to take a look. He saw three gargantuan scorpions in a large stone chamber.

I summoned five fiendish crocodiles, the door was cast open and Fang charged in. One crocodile was instantly killed as a scorpion snipped it in half with its massive pincers. But it, and all the others were serving their purpose - namely to act as a distraction as Fang moved round the side and chopped them up.

Meanwhile I cast Call Lightning Storm and started zapping them, and Reinward let fly with his lethal daggers. Horrifying as they were, the scorpions were soon dispatched. One a piece to daggers, axe and lightning.

Still in the mood for investigating monsters, I saved a pint and a half of venom and some scorpion meat for later study.

This was a very large chamber, it had to be to house the monsters we had just slain and over on the west side was a pool of clear water surrounded by broken bottles.

I scooped some of the water up and drank it from my hands. This triggered the summoning of a small water elemental. He seemed a happy sort of fellow and introduced himself as Jeff. He said he would perform tasks for me, but there wasn't much he could do for us really and he couldn't go very far from his pool. I thanked him anyway and we moved on.

The next chamber we came to was stuffed full of scorpions again. Smaller than the previous ones, but this time their were nine of them. What on earth was this place? I wondered. Chambers of Infernal Malice? Chambers of Massive Bugs more like.

We positioned ourselves outside the room by the door and stabbed, chopped and zapped them as they came at us. I am glad, at least, that the three of us together can outsmart mindless insects.